
    时间: 浏览:32次  来源:来补习


一、选择题 (Multiple Choice)

1. 完形填空 (Cloze Test)(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)


Last month, a new law was passed to protect endangered animals. The law aims to (1) ____ the declining populations of these animals and (2) ____ their habitats. Environmentalists have (3) ____ this as a significant step forward in conservation efforts.

Many species are on the verge of extinction due to human activities such as (4) ____ and habitat destruction. The new law will impose (5) ____ penalties on those caught harming these animals. It also allocates (6) ____ for habitat restoration projects.

Despite this progress, some critics argue that the law does not go far enough. They believe more (7) ____ measures are needed to address the root causes of habitat loss and illegal hunting. Nonetheless, this legislation represents a (8) ____ in the right direction.

  1. A. stop B. protect C. increase D. monitor
    答案: B

  2. A. enlarge B. enhance C. preserve D. construct
    答案: C

  3. A. welcomed B. rejected C. ignored D. criticized
    答案: A

  4. A. farming B. pollution C. poaching D. deforestation
    答案: C

  5. A. light B. severe C. immediate D. consistent
    答案: B

  6. A. money B. time C. resources D. manpower
    答案: C

  7. A. drastic B. simple C. temporary D. experimental
    答案: A

  8. A. move B. step C. change D. shift
    答案: B

2. 阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension)(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)



Many people believe that listening to music while studying helps them focus better. However, recent research suggests that this might not be the case. A study conducted at the University of Wales found that students who listened to music while studying scored lower on a test compared to those who studied in silence.

The researchers believe that music can be a distraction because it competes for the brain's attention. While some students claim that music helps them relax and concentrate, the study showed that even background music without lyrics can interfere with reading comprehension and memory.

Interestingly, the study also found that the type of music matters. Classical music, often considered helpful for concentration, was less distracting than pop or rock music, but it still had a negative effect on test performance. The key takeaway from this research is that silence might be the best environment for studying.

  1. What did the study at the University of Wales find about students who listened to music while studying?A. They performed better on tests.
    B. They were more relaxed.
    C. They scored lower on tests.
    D. They had better memory retention.
    答案: C

  2. Why do the researchers believe music is a distraction while studying?A. Because it helps relax the mind.
    B. Because it competes for the brain's attention.
    C. Because it improves memory.
    D. Because it enhances reading comprehension.
    答案: B

  3. Which type of music was found to be less distracting in the study?A. Pop music
    B. Rock music
    C. Classical music
    D. Jazz music
    答案: C

  4. What is the key takeaway from the research regarding the best environment for studying?A. Listening to pop music
    B. Studying in silence
    C. Listening to classical music
    D. Studying with background music
    答案: B


The ancient city of Pompeii is one of the most fascinating archaeological sites in the world. Buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, Pompeii was preserved under a thick layer of volcanic ash for nearly 1,700 years before its rediscovery in the 18th century.

Excavations have revealed well-preserved buildings, artifacts, and even human remains, providing a detailed glimpse into Roman life. The city's layout, with its streets, shops, and homes, has been remarkably well-preserved, allowing archaeologists to study urban planning and daily life in ancient Rome.

One of the most significant discoveries at Pompeii was the plaster casts of the victims of the eruption. When the volcanic ash hardened, it created molds around the bodies. By filling these molds with plaster, archaeologists were able to create detailed replicas of the victims, capturing their final moments in vivid detail.

Pompeii continues to be a major tourist attraction and a vital source of historical knowledge, offering insights into the past that are unmatched by any other archaeological site.

  1. What happened to Pompeii in AD 79?A. It was destroyed by an earthquake.
    B. It was invaded by barbarians.
    C. It was buried by a volcanic eruption.
    D. It was flooded by a tsunami.
    答案: C

  2. How long was Pompeii buried before its rediscovery?A. Nearly 700 years
    B. Nearly 1,000 years
    C. Nearly 1,500 years
    D. Nearly 1,700 years
    答案: D

  3. What do the plaster casts of the victims reveal?A. The daily activities of the citizens
    B. The city's urban planning
    C. The final moments of the victims
    D. The types of artifacts used
    答案: C

  4. Why is Pompeii considered a vital source of historical knowledge?A. Because it was a major tourist attraction
    B. Because it offers unmatched insights into the past
    C. Because it has the largest collection of Roman artifacts
    D. Because it has the best-preserved buildings
    答案: B

3. 语法填空 (Grammar Cloze)(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)


The rapid development of technology has significantly changed our daily lives. One of the most (1) ______ (remark) advancements is the invention of the smartphone. Nowadays, smartphones are (2) ______ (wide) used by people all over the world. They have become an essential part of our daily lives, offering a wide range of (3) ______ (function) and applications.

However, while smartphones bring convenience and (4) ______ (efficient), they also come with certain drawbacks. For instance, excessive use of smartphones can lead to addiction, which (5) ______ (result) in decreased productivity and even health problems. Moreover, the frequent use of social media apps on smartphones can negatively (6) ______ (affect) mental health, leading to issues such as anxiety and depression.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of smartphones cannot be ignored. They have (7) ______ (great) improved communication, making it easier for people to stay in touch with (8) ______ (they) loved ones, no matter where they are. Furthermore, smartphones have revolutionized the way we access information, providing us with instant access (9) ______ knowledge and resources.

In conclusion, while smartphones have their disadvantages, their positive impact on our lives is undeniable. As long as we use them (10) ______ (responsible), we can continue to enjoy the benefits they offer.

  1. 答案: remarkable
  2. 答案: widely
  3. 答案: functions
  4. 答案: efficiency
  5. 答案: results
  6. 答案: affect
  7. 答案: greatly
  8. 答案: their
  9. 答案: to
  10. 答案: responsibly

四、翻译 (Translation)



  1. 这本书比我想象中要有趣得多。答案: This book is much more interesting than I expected.

  2. 他决定辞职,去追求自己的梦想。答案: He decided to quit his job and pursue his dreams.

  3. 不管发生什么,我们都应该保持冷静。答案: No matter what happens, we should stay calm.

  4. 这个项目的成功取决于团队的努力。答案: The success of this project depends on the efforts of the team.

  5. 她每天早起锻炼,以保持健康。答案: She gets up early every day to exercise and stay healthy.

五、作文 (Composition)


请根据以下提示,以"The Importance of Time Management"为题,写一篇不少于120词的作文。








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