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一、选择题 (Multiple Choice)

1. 完形填空 (Cloze Test)(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)


In the past, when people had problems, they went to their (1) ____ or family members to get help. Nowadays, people are more likely to (2) ____ advice from the Internet. They post their problems on forums or social media and (3) ____ answers from strangers. This change has both positive and negative effects.

On the positive side, people can get (4) ____ from a wider range of perspectives. There are many (5) ____ on the Internet, and their (6) ____ can provide new insights into problems. For example, if someone has a (7) ____ problem, they might find a solution from a doctor who writes a blog. In addition, getting advice from strangers can be less (8) ____ because there is no need to worry about judgment from friends or family.

However, there are also negative aspects to this trend. The most obvious one is that not all advice on the Internet is (9) ____. Some people might give (10) ____ information or even harmful suggestions. Additionally, relying on the Internet for help can (11) ____ personal relationships. People might (12) ____ to seek help from their friends and family, which can lead to a (13) ____ in emotional support.

In conclusion, while the Internet can be a valuable resource for advice, it is important to (14) ____ the information carefully and not to (15) ____ personal connections.

  1. A. teachers B. doctors C. friends D. neighbors
    答案: C

  2. A. ignore B. offer C. seek D. reject
    答案: C

  3. A. give B. receive C. ignore D. provide
    答案: B

  4. A. punishment B. advice C. orders D. money
    答案: B

  5. A. experts B. children C. animals D. problems
    答案: A

  6. A. tests B. answers C. opinions D. predictions
    答案: C

  7. A. financial B. physical C. mental D. emotional
    答案: A

  8. A. interesting B. embarrassing C. boring D. exciting
    答案: B

  9. A. useful B. free C. wrong D. common
    答案: A

  10. A. accurate B. wrong C. true D. useful
    答案: B

  11. A. build B. repair C. damage D. change
    答案: C

  12. A. refuse B. continue C. decide D. forget
    答案: D

  13. A. success B. decrease C. difference D. change
    答案: B

  14. A. use B. find C. consider D. solve
    答案: C

  15. A. ignore B. build C. follow D. make
    答案: A

2. 阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension)(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)



A study conducted by the University of California found that people who spend more time on social media are more likely to feel isolated. The researchers surveyed over 1,700 adults and found that those who used social media for more than two hours a day were twice as likely to report feelings of social isolation compared to those who used it for less than 30 minutes a day.

The study's lead author, Dr. Brian Primack, said that social media use could displace face-to-face interactions, making people feel more isolated. He also noted that social media often portrays an unrealistic picture of other people's lives, leading to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness.

  1. What was the main finding of the University of California study?A. Social media use leads to improved mental health.
    B. People who use social media feel more connected.
    C. Excessive social media use is linked to feelings of isolation.
    D. Social media has no impact on feelings of isolation.
    答案: C

  2. How many adults were surveyed in the study?A. Over 1,000
    B. Over 1,500
    C. Over 1,700
    D. Over 2,000
    答案: C

  3. According to Dr. Brian Primack, why might social media use lead to feelings of isolation?A. It displaces face-to-face interactions.
    B. It improves communication skills.
    C. It increases face-to-face interactions.
    D. It provides realistic pictures of people's lives.
    答案: A

  4. What is one potential negative effect of social media mentioned in the passage?A. Increased feelings of happiness.
    B. Improved mental health.
    C. Unrealistic portrayals of people's lives.
    D. Better communication skills.
    答案: C

  5. How likely are people who use social media for more than two hours a day to feel isolated compared to those who use it for less than 30 minutes a day?A. Half as likely.
    B. Twice as likely.
    C. Three times as likely.
    D. Four times as likely.
    答案: B


Many cities around the world are encouraging people to use bicycles instead of cars. Bicycles are a cheap and environmentally friendly means of transportation, but they can also be dangerous. In the past year, there has been a significant increase in the number of bicycle accidents in our city. As a result, the city council has decided to implement several new measures to improve bicycle safety.

One of the measures is the creation of more bicycle lanes. These lanes will be separated from car traffic by physical barriers, making it safer for cyclists. The city will also install more traffic lights and signs specifically for bicycles. In addition, there will be increased police presence to enforce traffic laws and ensure that both cyclists and drivers follow the rules of the road.

  1. What are many cities encouraging people to use instead of cars?A. Motorcycles
    B. Bicycles
    C. Buses
    D. Trains
    答案: B

  2. What is one reason why bicycles are considered a good means of transportation?A. They are expensive.
    B. They are environmentally friendly.
    C. They are slow.
    D. They are dangerous.
    答案: B

  3. What has happened to the number of bicycle accidents in the past year?A. It has decreased significantly.
    B. It has stayed the same.
    C. It has increased significantly.
    D. It has decreased slightly.
    答案: C

  4. What is one measure the city council is implementing to improve bicycle safety?A. Reducing the number of bicycle lanes.
    B. Increasing the number of bicycle lanes.
    C. Removing traffic lights for bicycles.
    D. Reducing police presence.
    答案: B

  5. What will the increased police presence ensure?A. Cyclists follow the rules of the road.
    B. Drivers follow the rules of the road.
    C. Both cyclists and drivers follow the rules of the road.
    D. Only cyclists are punished.
    答案: C

三、语法填空 (Grammar Cloze)



Once upon a time, there was a young boy who was very lazy. He never (1) ______ (want) to do his homework or help around the house. His parents were very worried about him. They tried everything to make him more responsible, but nothing seemed (2) ______ (work). One day, his father decided to take him on a trip to the mountains. They walked for hours and finally (3) ______ (reach) a beautiful spot with a clear view of the valley below. The father sat down and (4) ______ (tell) his son to look at the view.

"Son," he said, "life is like this mountain. It is hard (5) ______ (climb), but once you reach the top, the view is (6) ______ (amaze). You need to work hard and be responsible to achieve your goals."

The boy listened to his father and (7) ______ (realize) that he needed to change his ways. From that day on, he started doing his homework and helping around the house. His parents were very happy (8) ______ (see) the change in him. The boy learned that hard work and responsibility (9) ______ (lead) to great rewards. He never forgot the lesson he learned on the mountain and (10) ______ (grow) up to be a successful and responsible adult.

  1. 答案: wanted
  2. 答案: to work
  3. 答案: reached
  4. 答案: told
  5. 答案: to climb
  6. 答案: amazing
  7. 答案: realized
  8. 答案: to see
  9. 答案: lead
  10. 答案: grew

四、翻译 (Translation)



  1. 这个房间太小了,容纳不了这么多人。答案: This room is too small to accommodate so many people.

  2. 我们应该节约用水,保护环境。答案: We should save water and protect the environment.

  3. 他每天早晨跑步,以保持健康。答案: He runs every morning to stay healthy.

  4. 这部电影非常有趣,我推荐你去看。答案: This movie is very interesting, and I recommend you to watch it.

  5. 尽管下着大雨,他仍然准时到达了。答案: Despite the heavy rain, he still arrived on time.

五、作文 (Composition)


请根据以下提示,以"The Importance of Healthy Eating"为题,写一篇不少于120词的作文。









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