
    时间: 浏览:35次  来源:来补习


一、选择题 (Multiple Choice)

1. 完形填空 (Cloze Test)(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)


In 1976, a boy (1) ____ Tom entered a high school in a small town. He had no father, and his mother (2) ____ at home. He always (3) ____ shabby clothes, and most of the time he looked very sad. (4) ____ the other boys would not like to play with him because he was poor. One day, a girl named Jane (5) ____ his class. Jane was kind-hearted, so she always (6) ____ to help Tom with his study and often (7) ____ to him. Tom liked Jane very much and (8) ____ her as his best friend. Jane felt the same way.

One day, their teacher Mr. Smith said that they were going to (9) ____ a field trip to a big city. Tom was very excited, but soon he realized that he didn't have enough (10) ____ to go. Jane (11) ____ Tom's problem, and she decided to help him. She gave him the (12) ____ she had saved for herself. Tom was very moved and (13) ____ to return the money as soon as possible.

On the day of the trip, they (14) ____ the city and had a great time. They visited many places of interest and learned a lot. Tom was (15) ____ happy because he had never been to a big city before. Jane was happy too because she could (16) ____ her friend.

Years later, Tom became a successful (17) ____ and never forgot Jane's kindness. He often said, "It's not what you have in your pocket that makes you rich, but what you have in your (18) ____."

  1. A. calling B. calls C. called D. was called
    答案: C

  2. A. works B. is working C. worked D. work
    答案: C

  3. A. wears B. was wearing C. wore D. wear
    答案: C

  4. A. But B. So C. And D. Because
    答案: A

  5. A. joined B. joining C. to join D. joins
    答案: A

  6. A. tried B. tries C. to try D. trying
    答案: A

  7. A. talked B. talking C. talks D. to talk
    答案: A

  8. A. regards B. regarded C. regarding D. to regard
    答案: B

  9. A. take B. takes C. to take D. taking
    答案: A

  10. A. money B. time C. books D. clothes
    答案: A

  11. A. found B. finding C. finds D. to find
    答案: A

  12. A. money B. time C. book D. clothes
    答案: A

  13. A. promised B. promise C. promising D. to promise
    答案: A

  14. A. reached B. reach C. to reach D. reaching
    答案: A

  15. A. very B. too C. much D. so
    答案: A

  16. A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help
    答案: A

  17. A. doctor B. teacher C. engineer D. lawyer
    答案: C

  18. A. heart B. mind C. hand D. head
    答案: A

2. 阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension)(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)



A young couple decided to treat themselves to a weekend in a luxurious hotel. They booked a suite and decided to spend their first evening in the hotel's gourmet restaurant.

As they were enjoying their meal, a waitress came to their table. "Excuse me," she said, "but I'm afraid there is a small problem with your credit card. Could you come to the reception desk?"

The couple followed the waitress to the reception desk, where the manager explained that there had been a mistake with their booking. Instead of a suite, they had been allocated the hotel's most expensive room. However, the manager assured them that the hotel would cover the difference in cost.

The couple were delighted with their good fortune and returned to their meal. Later, they retired to their room and found that it was the most beautiful they had ever seen. They enjoyed their stay so much that they decided to extend their weekend by another night.

  1. Why did the couple decide to stay at the hotel for an extra night?A. They won a free night.
    B. They were not satisfied with the service.
    C. They wanted to explore the city more.
    D. They enjoyed their stay very much.
    答案: D

  2. What was the problem with the couple's booking?A. They were given a smaller room.
    B. They were given the most expensive room.
    C. They were not given any room.
    D. Their room was double-booked.
    答案: B

  3. How did the hotel solve the problem?A. By giving them a discount.
    B. By charging them extra.
    C. By covering the cost difference.
    D. By upgrading their meal.
    答案: C

  4. What did the couple do after hearing about the mistake?A. They left the hotel.
    B. They complained to the manager.
    C. They continued their meal.
    D. They asked for a refund.
    答案: C

  5. What can be inferred about the couple's opinion of the hotel?A. They were unhappy with the service.
    B. They were delighted with the experience.
    C. They thought the hotel was too expensive.
    D. They found the room unsatisfactory.
    答案: B


In 1969, the first manned spacecraft landed on the moon, and American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on its surface. His words, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," have since become famous.

However, fewer people know about the challenges and problems faced by the Apollo 11 mission. For example, just before landing, the spacecraft's computer began to display error messages, indicating that it was overloaded. The astronauts had to quickly switch to manual control and land the spacecraft themselves.

Despite these difficulties, the mission was a huge success and demonstrated the remarkable abilities of the astronauts and the technological advances of the time.

  1. Who was the first human to walk on the moon?A. Buzz Aldrin
    B. Michael Collins
    C. Neil Armstrong
    D. John Glenn
    答案: C

  2. What famous words did Neil Armstrong say when he stepped onto the moon?A. "To infinity and beyond!"
    B. "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
    C. "Houston, we have a problem."
    D. "The eagle has landed."
    答案: B

  3. What problem did the Apollo 11 mission encounter just before landing?A. The astronauts ran out of fuel.
    B. The spacecraft's computer displayed error messages.
    C. The communication system failed.
    D. The landing site was not suitable.
    答案: B

  4. How did the astronauts solve the problem?A. They contacted mission control for help.
    B. They aborted the landing and returned to Earth.
    C. They switched to manual control and landed the spacecraft themselves.
    D. They used a backup computer system.
    答案: C

  5. What does the success of the Apollo 11 mission demonstrate?A. The limitations of 1960s technology.
    B. The bravery of astronauts.
    C. The remarkable abilities of the astronauts and technological advances.
    D. The importance of space exploration.
    答案: C

二、完形填空 (Cloze Test)




三、语法填空 (Grammar Cloze)




四、翻译 (Translation)



  1. 这个图书馆里有成千上万的书。答案: There are thousands of books in this library.

  2. 他不仅仅是一位好老师,还是我们的好朋友。答案: He is not only a good teacher but also our good friend.

  3. 我们应该保护环境,减少污染。答案: We should protect the environment and reduce pollution.

  4. 在中国,春天是一个温暖的季节。答案: In China, spring is a warm season.

  5. 这个问题太难了,我无法解决。答案: This problem is too difficult for me to solve.

五、作文 (Composition)


请根据以下提示,以"An Unforgettable Experience"为题,写一篇不少于120词的作文。









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