
    时间: 浏览:36次  来源:来补习



  1. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.She ____ TV when I called her.A. was watchingB. watchedC. is watchingD. watches


  2. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.If it ____ tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.A. don't rainB. doesn't rainC. won't rainD. didn't rain


  3. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.By the time he arrived, we ____ the meeting.A. have startedB. startedC. had startedD. start


  4. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.He is one of the students who ____ always on time.A. isB. areC. wasD. were


  5. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.I wish I ____ you, but I was really busy yesterday.A. helpB. will helpC. had helpedD. have helped


  6. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.The book ____ on the desk is mine.A. lyingB. layC. laysD. lain


  7. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.Neither John nor his friends ____ at the party yesterday.A. wasB. wereC. isD. are


  8. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.It is high time that he ____ here.A. arrivesB. arrivedC. arrivingD. to arrive


  9. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.I have two brothers. One is a teacher, ____ is a doctor.A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. others


  10. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.The manager, as well as his employees, ____ the meeting.A. attendB. attendsC. attendingD. to attend


  11. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.She has been working here ____ three years.A. sinceB. forC. aboutD. at


  12. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.I have never seen ____ beautiful scenery.A. so aB. such aC. soD. such


  13. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.He didn't go to bed until he ____ his homework.A. finishesB. finishC. had finishedD. finishing


  14. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.The meeting ____ by the time we arrived.A. had begunB. beganC. has begunD. begins


  15. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.He suggested that she ____ early.A. comesB. comeC. cameD. to come


  16. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.He didn't know ____ to do next.A. whatB. howC. whenD. where


  17. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.The car ____ he bought last month is already broken.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. whom


  18. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.This is the most interesting book I ____.A. readB. have readC. am readingD. will read


  19. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.She is looking forward to ____ you.A. seeB. seeingC. seenD. saw


  20. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.I will call you when he ____.A. arriveB. arrivesC. arrivedD. arriving



  1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.She ____ (study) for three hours before she took a break.

    答案:had been studying

  2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.If he ____ (be) here, he would know what to do.


  3. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.By next month, they ____ (complete) the project.

    答案:will have completed

  4. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.He insisted that she ____ (go) there immediately.


  5. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.The book ____ (lie) on the table is very interesting.


  6. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.She ____ (not / meet) him before the party.

    答案:had not met

  7. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.He suggested that we ____ (start) the meeting early.


  8. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.It is necessary that he ____ (be) present at the meeting.


  9. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.By the end of this year, she ____ (work) here for five years.

    答案:will have worked

  10. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.If she ____ (know) his number, she would have called him.

    答案:had known


  1. Find the mistake and correct it.He has lived in here since three years.答案:in 改为 这里不需要in,直接用 here

  2. Find the mistake and correct it.Neither of the students were present at the meeting.答案:were 改为 was

  3. Find the mistake and correct it.She is looking forward to see you.答案:see 改为 seeing

  4. Find the mistake and correct it.If I were you, I will go to the party.答案:will 改为 would

  5. Find the mistake and correct it.He suggested to go there immediately.答案:to go 改为 going

  6. Find the mistake and correct it.She didn’t go to bed until she finished her homework.答案:finished 改为 had finished

  7. Find the mistake and correct it.The book that lying on the table is mine.答案:lying 改为 lies

  8. Find the mistake and correct it.The car which he bought it last month is already broken.答案:去掉 it

  9. Find the mistake and correct it.He asked me what did I do.答案:did I do 改为 I did

  10. Find the mistake and correct it.He insisted that she goes there immediately.答案:goes 改为 go


  1. Rewrite the sentence in passive voice.They have completed the project.答案:The project has been completed.

  2. Rewrite the sentence in reported speech.He said, "I will go to the market."答案:He said that he would go to the market.

  3. Rewrite the sentence in negative form.She likes ice cream.答案:She does not like ice cream.

  4. Rewrite the sentence in question form.She is reading a book.答案:Is she reading a book?

  5. Rewrite the sentence using "used to".He played football every Sunday.答案:He used to play football every Sunday.

  6. Rewrite the sentence using "not only... but also".She is smart and beautiful.答案:She is not only smart but also beautiful.

  7. Rewrite the sentence in comparative form.She is tall.答案:She is taller.

  8. Rewrite the sentence using "too... to".The box is very heavy. I can’t lift it.答案:The box is too heavy for me to lift.

  9. Rewrite the sentence in present perfect tense.I saw the movie.答案:I have seen the movie.

  10. Rewrite the sentence using "if".He didn't study hard. He didn't pass the exam.答案:If he had studied hard, he would have passed the exam.








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