
    时间: 浏览:29次  来源:来补习


Part I: Listening (30 points)


Part II: Multiple Choice (20 points)

Choose the best answer from the four options.

  1. He _____ to the gym every morning before work.a) go
    b) goes
    c) going
    d) gone
    Answer: b) goes

  2. By the time we arrived, the meeting _____.a) has started
    b) started
    c) had started
    d) starting
    Answer: c) had started

  3. If I _____ enough money, I would travel around the world.a) have
    b) had
    c) will have
    d) would have
    Answer: b) had

  4. She didn't know _____ to laugh or cry when she heard the news.a) whether
    b) either
    c) neither
    d) both
    Answer: a) whether

  5. The book _____ I borrowed from the library is very interesting.a) who
    b) which
    c) whom
    d) whose
    Answer: b) which

  6. Tom's parents were very strict _____ him when he was young.a) to
    b) on
    c) with
    d) in
    Answer: c) with

  7. They were _____ to hear the good news.a) delighted
    b) delighting
    c) delight
    d) delights
    Answer: a) delighted

  8. We are looking forward to _____ from you soon.a) hearing
    b) hear
    c) be heard
    d) heard
    Answer: a) hearing

  9. I suggest that he _____ a doctor as soon as possible.a) see
    b) sees
    c) saw
    d) seen
    Answer: a) see

  10. Not until she got home _____ she realize she had lost her keys.a) did
    b) had
    c) has
    d) does
    Answer: a) did

Part III: Cloze Test (20 points)

Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the correct words from the options given.

When I was a child, I used to spend my holidays at my grandparents' house in the countryside. It was a small village with (1) _____ beautiful landscapes. Every morning, I would wake up to the sound of birds (2) _____. My grandmother would always prepare a delicious breakfast, and then I would go out to play with the (3) _____ children in the village. We would explore the fields, (4) _____ trees, and swim in the river. Those were the days of pure joy and freedom. I (5) _____ those times dearly.

  1. a) its b) it’s c) their d) my
    Answer: a) its

  2. a) singing b) sing c) sung d) sings
    Answer: a) singing

  3. a) another b) the other c) others d) other
    Answer: d) other

  4. a) climb b) climbing c) climbed d) climbs
    Answer: a) climb

  5. a) miss b) missed c) missing d) will miss
    Answer: a) miss

Part IV: Reading Comprehension (20 points)

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Passage:Technology has dramatically changed the way we live our lives over the past few decades. From smartphones to smart homes, the advances in technology have brought about convenience and efficiency. However, with these advancements come certain drawbacks. For instance, while the internet has made it easier to access information, it has also led to issues such as data privacy concerns and cyberbullying. Additionally, the overuse of technology has been linked to health problems like poor eyesight and lack of physical activity. It is important for individuals to find a balance between embracing technology and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


  1. What is one benefit of technological advancements mentioned in the passage?a) Increased data privacy
    b) Health improvements
    c) Convenience and efficiency
    d) Decreased screen time
    Answer: c) Convenience and efficiency

  2. What is one drawback of technological advancements mentioned in the passage?a) Improved information access
    b) Data privacy concerns
    c) Enhanced communication
    d) Increased physical activity
    Answer: b) Data privacy concerns

  3. According to the passage, what health problem is linked to overuse of technology?a) Improved eyesight
    b) Increased physical activity
    c) Poor eyesight
    d) Better sleep
    Answer: c) Poor eyesight

  4. What should individuals strive to find according to the passage?a) The latest technological gadgets
    b) A balance between technology use and a healthy lifestyle
    c) More time to spend on the internet
    d) Ways to avoid using technology
    Answer: b) A balance between technology use and a healthy lifestyle

  5. What has the internet made easier, according to the passage?a) Access to information
    b) Protecting data privacy
    c) Reducing screen time
    d) Physical activity
    Answer: a) Access to information

Part V: Writing (10 points)

Write a short essay on the following topic: "The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers". Your essay should be around 150 words and cover both positive and negative impacts.

Answer:Social media has become an integral part of teenagers' lives. It offers numerous positive impacts such as enabling communication with friends and family, providing platforms for self-expression, and offering access to a wealth of information. Teenagers can connect with peers globally, share their thoughts and creativity, and stay updated on current events and trends.

However, social media also has its downsides. It can lead to cyberbullying, which negatively affects mental health. The pressure to present a perfect image can result in anxiety and low self-esteem. Additionally, excessive use of social media can lead to addiction, reducing face-to-face interactions and physical activity.

In conclusion, while social media has many benefits, it is crucial for teenagers to use it wisely and balance their online activities with real-world interactions and hobbies. Parents and educators should guide teenagers in navigating social media responsibly to maximize its benefits and minimize its risks.


Part II: Multiple Choice

  1. b) goes
  2. c) had started
  3. b) had
  4. a) whether
  5. b) which
  6. c) with
  7. a) delighted
  8. a) hearing
  9. a) see
  10. a) did

Part III: Cloze Test

  1. a) its
  2. a) singing
  3. d) other
  4. a) climb
  5. a) miss

Part IV: Reading Comprehension

  1. c) Convenience and efficiency
  2. b) Data privacy concerns
  3. c) Poor eyesight
  4. b) A balance between technology use and a healthy lifestyle
  5. a) Access to information

Part V: Writing










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