
    时间: 浏览:30次  来源:来补习


Part I: Listening (30 points)


Part II: Multiple Choice (20 points)

Choose the best answer from the four options.

  1. What _____ you doing at this time yesterday?a) was
    b) were
    c) is
    d) are
    Answer: b) were

  2. She _____ her homework when her friend called her.a) do
    b) did
    c) was doing
    d) does
    Answer: c) was doing

  3. There _____ a lot of people at the concert last night.a) is
    b) was
    c) are
    d) were
    Answer: d) were

  4. I _____ an interesting book last week.a) read
    b) reads
    c) will read
    d) reading
    Answer: a) read

  5. They _____ to Paris for their holiday next month.a) go
    b) went
    c) are going
    d) will go
    Answer: c) are going

  6. The movie was so _____ that I watched it twice.a) interested
    b) interesting
    c) interest
    d) interests
    Answer: b) interesting

  7. She speaks English _____ than her brother.a) fluent
    b) more fluent
    c) more fluently
    d) fluently
    Answer: c) more fluently

  8. If it _____ tomorrow, we will stay at home.a) rains
    b) rained
    c) is raining
    d) rain
    Answer: a) rains

  9. He _____ here since he was a child.a) lives
    b) lived
    c) has lived
    d) living
    Answer: c) has lived

  10. I don’t like this place. Let's go _____.a) somewhere
    b) anywhere
    c) nowhere
    d) everywhere
    Answer: a) somewhere

Part III: Cloze Test (20 points)

Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the correct words from the options given.

Last summer, I went to a beautiful island with my family. We stayed in a small hotel near the beach. Every morning, we would wake up early and go for a walk along the shore. The weather was always (1) _____. The sun was shining, and the sea was (2) _____. We spent our days swimming in the ocean and (3) _____ on the beach. In the evenings, we would go to a local restaurant for dinner. The food was (4) _____ delicious, and the people were very friendly. It was the (5) _____ holiday I have ever had.

  1. a) rainy b) sunny c) cloudy d) windy
    Answer: b) sunny

  2. a) rough b) stormy c) calm d) cold
    Answer: c) calm

  3. a) lying b) lay c) lies d) lied
    Answer: a) lying

  4. a) hardly b) usually c) extremely d) rarely
    Answer: c) extremely

  5. a) worse b) bad c) better d) best
    Answer: d) best

Part IV: Reading Comprehension (20 points)

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Passage:Once upon a time, there was a young prince who lived in a magnificent palace. The prince was kind and generous, and everyone in the kingdom loved him. However, the prince was very lonely because he had no friends. One day, while walking in the garden, he found a small bird with a broken wing. The prince took the bird back to the palace and took care of it. Slowly, the bird's wing healed, and it began to sing beautifully. The bird and the prince became best friends, and the prince was never lonely again.


  1. Where did the prince live?a) In a small house
    b) In a magnificent palace
    c) In a village
    d) In a forest
    Answer: b) In a magnificent palace

  2. Why was the prince lonely?a) He had no family
    b) He had no friends
    c) He was far from home
    d) He was very busy
    Answer: b) He had no friends

  3. What did the prince find in the garden?a) A small bird with a broken wing
    b) A beautiful flower
    c) A lost child
    d) A hidden treasure
    Answer: a) A small bird with a broken wing

  4. How did the prince help the bird?a) He built a nest for it
    b) He took care of it until its wing healed
    c) He taught it to sing
    d) He let it go free
    Answer: b) He took care of it until its wing healed

  5. What happened to the prince after he became friends with the bird?a) He became lonely again
    b) He found more friends
    c) He was never lonely again
    d) He left the palace
    Answer: c) He was never lonely again

Part V: Writing (10 points)

Write a short paragraph about your favorite holiday destination. Describe the place, activities you enjoy there, and why you like it.

Answer:(My favorite holiday destination is the beach. The place has golden sands and clear blue waters. I enjoy swimming in the sea, building sandcastles, and collecting seashells. The beach is peaceful and relaxing, making it the perfect getaway from the busy city life. I love it because it brings me close to nature and allows me to unwind.)


Part II: Multiple Choice

  1. b) were
  2. c) was doing
  3. d) were
  4. a) read
  5. c) are going
  6. b) interesting
  7. c) more fluently
  8. a) rains
  9. c) has lived
  10. a) somewhere

Part III: Cloze Test

  1. b) sunny
  2. c) calm
  3. a) lying
  4. c) extremely
  5. d) best

Part IV: Reading Comprehension

  1. b) In a magnificent palace
  2. b) He had no friends
  3. a) A small bird with a broken wing
  4. b) He took care of it until its wing healed
  5. c) He was never lonely again

Part V: Writing









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