
    时间: 浏览:52次  来源:来补习


说明: 本试卷分为选择题、完形填空、阅读理解、翻译、写作五部分。请仔细阅读每道题的题目,并在答题纸上作答。


  1. —How often do you go swimming?—__________.a. Two time a week
    b. Twice a week
    c. Twice week
    d. Two times a weeks

    答案: b. Twice a week

  2. —What did you do last weekend?—I __________ my grandparents.a. visit
    b. visited
    c. visiting
    d. to visit

    答案: b. visited

  3. —Can you play the guitar?—__________.a. Yes, I can
    b. Yes, I am
    c. No, I can't
    d. No, I'm not

    答案: a. Yes, I can

  4. She __________ to the park every Sunday.a. go
    b. goes
    c. going
    d. gone

    答案: b. goes

  5. The weather __________ cold in winter here.a. is
    b. are
    c. were
    d. was

    答案: a. is

  6. This is __________ interesting book that I want to read it again.a. so
    b. such
    c. very
    d. quite

    答案: b. such

  7. My sister is good at __________.a. dance
    b. dancing
    c. danced
    d. dances

    答案: b. dancing

  8. —Whose pen is this?—It’s __________.a. my
    b. me
    c. mine
    d. I

    答案: c. mine

  9. They __________ a new bridge in our town last year.a. build
    b. builds
    c. building
    d. built

    答案: d. built

  10. —Would you like some tea?—__________.a. Yes, please
    b. Yes, I would
    c. No, I don't
    d. No, I wouldn't

    答案: a. Yes, please



Last Sunday was a sunny day. I went to the park with my friend, Tom. We 1. _____ many interesting things there. First, we 2. _____ a boat ride. It was so 3. _____! Then we had lunch in a small restaurant. The food was 4. _____ delicious that we ate a lot. After lunch, we 5. _____ around the park and saw many beautiful flowers. We also took many 6. _____ with our cameras. In the afternoon, we played some games. Tom won a 7. _____, and he was very happy. We stayed in the park until 8. _____ o'clock. Finally, we went home 9. _____. It was a wonderful day. I hope we can go there 10. _____.

  1. a. did
    b. do
    c. done
    d. doing

    答案: a. did

  2. a. takes
    b. took
    c. take
    d. taking

    答案: b. took

  3. a. boring
    b. fun
    c. sad
    d. tired

    答案: b. fun

  4. a. so
    b. such
    c. very
    d. too

    答案: a. so

  5. a. walked
    b. walking
    c. walks
    d. walk

    答案: a. walked

  6. a. photo
    b. photos
    c. photoes
    d. photo's

    答案: b. photos

  7. a. prize
    b. game
    c. food
    d. toy

    答案: a. prize

  8. a. six
    b. sixs
    c. sixes
    d. sixth

    答案: a. six

  9. a. tired
    b. happily
    c. sad
    d. happily

    答案: b. happily

  10. a. again
    b. more
    c. other
    d. once

    答案: a. again




Tom is a student in Grade Eight. He has a brother named Jack. Jack is two years older than Tom. They both like playing soccer. Every weekend, they go to the park to play soccer with their friends. They enjoy the game very much. Jack is the captain of their team because he is good at playing soccer and has good leadership skills. Tom is very proud of his brother and wants to be like him one day.

  1. Tom is in Grade Eight. ( )
  2. Jack is younger than Tom. ( )
  3. They play soccer every weekend. ( )
  4. Jack is the captain because he is good at playing soccer. ( )
  5. Tom doesn't want to be like his brother. ( )


  1. T
  2. F
  3. T
  4. T
  5. F



Many people like to travel during their holidays. They travel to see other countries and learn about different cultures. Some people like to visit historical places, while others prefer to go to the beach. There are many ways to travel. Some people travel by plane, others travel by train or car. Traveling can be very exciting and fun.

  1. Why do many people like to travel during their holidays?a. To see other countries
    b. To learn about different cultures
    c. To visit historical places
    d. All of the above

    答案: d. All of the above

  2. What do some people prefer to visit?a. Historical places
    b. The beach
    c. Mountains
    d. Both a and b

    答案: d. Both a and b

  3. How do some people travel?a. By plane
    b. By train
    c. By car
    d. All of the above

    答案: d. All of the above

  4. What is traveling described as in the passage?a. Boring
    b. Exciting
    c. Tiring
    d. Expensive

    答案: b. Exciting

  5. What is the main idea of the passage?a. Different ways to travel
    b. Why people like to travel
    c. Places to visit
    d. Traveling during holidays

    答案: b. Why people like to travel



  1. 他每天早上都跑步。

    答案: He runs every morning.

  2. 我们上个周末去了动物园。

    答案: We went to the zoo last weekend.

  3. 她正在看书。

    答案: She is reading a book.

  4. 这个商店卖很多种类的水果。

    答案: This store sells many kinds of fruits.

  5. 他们正在操场上踢足球。

    答案: They are playing soccer on the playground.


题目: My Favorite Hobby



  1. 你的爱好是什么?
  2. 你为什么喜欢它?
  3. 你通常什么时候进行这个爱好?


My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is playing basketball. I like it because it helps me stay healthy and fit. It is also a great way to make new friends and learn teamwork. I usually play basketball in the evenings after school and on weekends. Sometimes, I play with my classmates at school, and sometimes, I play with my neighbors in the park. Playing basketball is fun and exciting. It makes me feel happy and energetic. I hope to become a better player and maybe join a basketball team in the future.








2024-06-03  分类:英语辅导  浏览:53次