
    时间: 浏览:59次  来源:来补习


说明: 本试卷包含选择题、填空题、阅读理解和写作题。请仔细阅读每道题的题目,并在答题纸上作答。


  1. The girl ________ is talking to the teacher is my sister.a. which b. who c. what d. whose

  2. Tom likes playing football, ________ he doesn’t like basketball.a. and b. but c. so d. because

  3. I have two brothers. One is a teacher, ________ is a doctor.a. other b. others c. the other d. another

  4. ________ book on the table is mine.a. This b. These c. Those d. That

  5. My father usually ________ his car to work.a. drive b. drives c. is driving d. drove

  6. She ________ in London for three years.a. has lived b. lives c. lived d. is living

  7. ________ you like to go to the cinema with me?a. Do b. Are c. Would d. Is

  8. There ________ some milk in the fridge.a. is b. are c. has d. have

  9. My sister is good at ________.a. dance b. to dance c. dancing d. dances

  10. He ________ his homework at the moment.a. is doing b. does c. did d. was doing


  1. I usually ________ (go) to school by bus, but today I ________ (walk) to school.

  2. ________ (not play) football in the street. It’s dangerous.

  3. She ________ (have) a big family dinner next weekend.

  4. There are some ________ (child) playing in the park.

  5. ________ (be) your brother at home now?

  6. My mother ________ (cook) dinner when I arrived home.

  7. They ________ (visit) the museum last Sunday.

  8. ________ (do) your homework before you go out to play.

  9. I ________ (see) this movie before.

  10. The sun ________ (rise) in the east.



John is a student. He is twelve years old. He lives in a small village. Every day he goes to school by bike. He has two sisters. They are both students. They like to play games and watch TV. They often help their mother with the housework. John's father is a farmer. He works on the farm. John's mother is a housewife. She cooks meals and takes care of the family.


  1. How old is John?
  • A. Ten
  • B. Eleven
  • C. Twelve
  • D. Thirteen
  1. How does John go to school?
  • A. By bus
  • B. By bike
  • C. By car
  • D. On foot
  1. What do John's sisters like to do?
  • A. Play games and watch TV
  • B. Read books
  • C. Go shopping
  • D. Play football
  1. What does John's father do?
  • A. He is a teacher
  • B. He is a farmer
  • C. He is a doctor
  • D. He is a driver
  1. Who cooks meals in John's family?
  • A. John
  • B. John's sisters
  • C. John's mother
  • D. John's father


Lucy and Lily are twin sisters. They look the same, but they are very different. Lucy is active and likes sports. She plays basketball and soccer. Lily is quiet and likes reading. She often stays at home and reads books. They both like music and often listen to music together.


  1. What are Lucy and Lily?
  • A. Friends
  • B. Sisters
  • C. Classmates
  • D. Neighbors
  1. What does Lucy like to do?
  • A. Read books
  • B. Play sports
  • C. Listen to music
  • D. Stay at home
  1. What does Lily like to do?
  • A. Play sports
  • B. Listen to music
  • C. Read books
  • D. Go shopping
  1. What do they both like?
  • A. Music
  • B. Reading
  • C. Shopping
  • D. Sports
  1. How are Lucy and Lily different?
  • A. Lucy is active, Lily is quiet
  • B. Lucy likes reading, Lily likes sports
  • C. Lucy likes shopping, Lily likes music
  • D. Lucy is tall, Lily is short


31. 写一篇关于你最喜欢的季节的短文,描述这个季节的特点和你为什么喜欢它。字数不少于80个单词。

32. 写一篇关于你的家庭的短文,介绍你的家庭成员及他们的职业和兴趣爱好。字数不少于80个单词。



  1. b. who
  2. b. but
  3. c. the other
  4. d. That
  5. b. drives
  6. a. has lived
  7. c. Would
  8. a. is
  9. c. dancing
  10. a. is doing


  1. go, am walking
  2. Don't play
  3. is going to have
  4. children
  5. Is
  6. was cooking
  7. visited
  8. Do
  9. have seen
  10. rises


  1. C. Twelve

  2. B. By bike

  3. A. Play games and watch TV

  4. B. He is a farmer

  5. C. John's mother

  6. B. Sisters

  7. B. Play sports

  8. C. Read books

  9. A. Music

  10. A. Lucy is active, Lily is quiet










2024-05-31  分类:英语辅导  浏览:60次