小升初满分作文范文-Joy of sharing赏析

    时间: 浏览:671次  来源:来补习


  小升初会有英语考试和面试,尤其是英语面试,孩子的表现几乎是至关重要的。致知教育为大家整理了一些英文句子赏析,今天我们学习的是Joy of sharing赏析。

  Sharing is a lively and lovely little elves, the joy of Shaman world; sharing is a copying machine, the copy of happiness everywhere, share, and is a kind of lubricant, the more harmony between people; share, but also a kind of adhesive, the hearts of the people close together...


  Remember when great grandma gave me bought a box of rubber mud, there are red, yellow, purple, is colorful, very beautiful! At that time I was so happy I jumped three feet high, thinking: students have plasticine, today, I finally have! The next day, I put the dough to school, the students saw my rubber mud, very envious said: "we can play it?" I nodded. So, they will rush to grab up and soon he was robbed. Looked at the light of the rubber mud box, I was sad to cry. Small partners were scared, one by one at a loss.


  When I got home, I locked myself in the house and silently shed tears. "Ding Dong, Ding Dong" the doorbell rang, I heard grandma opened the door, and visiting people say a few words, is the voice of a little girl, who in the end?? not and in a short while, grandma walked into the room I, said: "Ru Ru, don't cry, your little friends let me give it to you." I took a look at, the original is a letter made an apology card, I curiously apart to see the look, top write a few lines in bold characters: Liu Zhengru, sorry, we are not interested in taking your beloved plasticine, please forgive me. ---- Wang Wenxin, Wang Yuhan, etc.. I see, tears once again flow down the heart in blame themselves: how so mean?? have something is not to partner and share it. I think he played Wang Wenxin's dolls, small conch, eating potato chips containing wang...... Think of here, I can no longer sit, and quickly ran out, to find them.


  After that, we together every day, until I transferred to and they were separated. But our friendship has not changed, one to the holidays, we will be happy to play together again.


  Because share, I have been happy; because of sharing, I feel happy, let us learn to share, to feel the friendship between friends and happiness!









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