
    时间: 浏览:57次  来源:来补习



字形结构 (Character Structure):

  • 部首 (Radical): 力 (lì) - Strength
  • 形旁 (Phonetic Component): 挣 (zhēng)

释义 (Meaning):

  1. To earn or gain something through hard work or effort.
  2. To break free or escape from something with difficulty.
  3. To struggle or strive against something.
  4. To twitch or tremble.

拼音 (Pinyin):  zhēng

出处 (Origin):

  • The earliest written form of the character "挣" can be traced back to the Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD).

用法 (Usage):

  • As a verb:
    • 挣钱 (zhēng qián) - To earn money
    • 挣脱 (zhēng tuō) - To break free; to escape
    • 挣扎 (zhēng zhā) - To struggle; to strive
    • 挣动 (zhēng dòng) - To twitch; to tremble

解释 (Explanation):


造句 (Examples):

  • 他每天辛苦工作,挣钱养家。(Tā měitiān xīnkǔ gōngzuò, zhēng qián yǎngjiā.) - He works hard every day to earn money to support his family.
  • 小鸟被困在笼子里,拼命挣脱。(Xiǎoniǎo bèi kùnzài lóngzǐ lǐ, pīn mìng zhēng tuō.) - The bird was trapped in the cage and struggled to escape.
  • 他在梦中挣扎着,似乎在与什么搏斗。(Tā zài mèng zhōng zhēng zhā zhe, sìhū zài yǔ shénme bó dòu.) - He was struggling in his sleep, as if fighting against something.
  • 他的手因为寒冷而不停地挣动。(Tā de shǒu yīnwèi hánlěng ér bùtíng de zhēng dòng.) - His hands trembled incessantly because of the cold.

近义词 (Synonyms):

  • 赚 (zhuàn) - To earn; to make money
  • 捞 (lāo) - To fish out; to scoop up
  • 弄 (nòng) - To get; to obtain
  • 抢 (qiǎng) - To snatch; to grab
  • 夺 (duó) - To seize; to snatch

反义词 (Antonyms):

  • 丢 (diū) - To lose
  • 花 (huā) - To spend; to waste
  • 借 (jiè) - To borrow
  • 偷 (tōu) - To steal
  • 抢 (qiǎng) - To rob; to plunder

翻译 (Translation):

  • 挣钱 (Zhēng qián) - Earn money
  • 挣脱 (Zhēng tuō) - Break free
  • 挣脱困境 (Zhēng tuō kùnjìng) - Escape from困境
  • 挣脱束缚 (Zhēng tuō shùfù) - Break free from束缚
  • 挣脱命运 (Zhēng tuō mìngyùn) - Break free from命运
  • 挣脱死亡 (Zhēng tuō sǐwáng) - Escape from死亡
  • 挣脱恐惧 (Zhēng tuō kǒngjù) - Break free from恐惧
  • 挣脱绝望 (Zhēng tuō jwàngjué) - Break free from绝望
  • 挣脱方法 (Zhēng tuō fāngfǎ) - Escape方法
  • 挣脱技巧 (Zhēng tuō jiǎoqì) - Escape技巧
  • 挣脱故事 (Zhēng tuō gùshì) - Escape故事
  • 挣脱例子 (Zhēng tuō lǐzì) - Escape例子
  • 挣脱感悟 (Zhēng tuō gǎnwù) - Escape感悟
  • 挣脱名言 (Zhēng tuō míngyán) - Escape名言







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