
    时间: 浏览:144次  来源:来补习



字形结构 (Character Structure):

  • 部首 (Radical): 禾 (hé) - Grain
  • 形旁 (Phonetic Component): 穗 (suì)

释义 (Meaning):

  1. The inflorescence of certain cereal grasses, such as rice, wheat, and barley, consisting of a cluster of spikelets at the end of a stem.
  2. A unit of measurement for certain agricultural products, typically equivalent to a cluster of spikelets.
  3. A decorative tassel or tuft, often made of silk or other fibers.
  4. A nickname for the city of Guangzhou, China.

拼音 (Pinyin):

  • suì

出处 (Origin):

  • The earliest written form of the character "穗" can be traced back to the Shang dynasty (1600-1046 BC).

用法 (Usage):

  • As a noun:

    • 稻穗 (dàosuì) - Rice panicle
    • 麦穗 (màisuì) - Wheat spike
    • 玉米穗 (yùmǐsuì) - Corncob
    • 穗子 (suìzi) - Spikelet
    • 穗头 (suìtóu) - Tassel; tuft
    • 穗带 (suìdài) - Tassel ribbon
    • 穗选 (suìxuǎn) - Selection of the best spikes
    • 穗轴 (suìzhóu) - Rachis
    • 穗肥 (suìféi) - Panicle fertilizer
    • 嘉穗 (jiāsuì) - Abundant harvest
  • As a verb:

    • 抽穗 (chōu suì) - To form a spikelet
    • 吐穗 (tǔ suì) - To bloom (of cereals)
    • 孕穗 (yùn suì) - To be in the ear stage (of cereals)

解释 (Explanation):


造句 (Examples):

  • 金黄的稻穗在风中摇曳。(Jīn huáng de dàosuì zài fēng zhōng yáo yǎi.) - The golden rice panicles sway in the wind.
  • 麦穗已经抽出来了。(Màisuì yǐjīng chōu chūlái le.) - The wheat spikes have emerged.
  • 她头上戴着一顶缀着穗子的帽子。(Tā tóushàng dài zhè yī dǐng zhuì zháo suìzi de màozi.) - She is wearing a hat with a tassel.
  • 广州被称为“花城”,也因其穗子形状的城市轮廓而被称为“穗城”。(Guǎngzhōu bèichéng "Huāchéng", yě yīn qí suìzi zhǔngxìng de chéngshì lúnkuò ér bèichéng "Suìchéng".) - Guangzhou is known as the "City of Flowers", but it is also called the "City of Spikes" because of its city skyline in the shape of spikes.

近义词 (Synonyms):

  • 穗子 (suìzi) - Spikelet
  • 花穗 (huāsuì) - Inflorescence
  • 穗头 (suìtóu) - Tassel; tuft
  • 流苏 (liú sū) - Tassel
  • 穗带 (suìdài) - Tassel ribbon

反义词 (Antonyms):

  • 花 (huā) - Flower
  • 果 (guǒ) - Fruit
  • 叶 (yè) - Leaf
  • 根 (gēn) - Root
  • 茎 (jīng) - Stem

翻译 (Translation):

  • Spike
  • Panicle
  • Ear (of grain)
  • Tassel
  • Tuft







2024-06-01  分类:汉字词语查询  浏览:145次