
    时间: 浏览:50次  来源:来补习



字形结构 (Character Structure):

  • 部首 (Radical): 木 (mù) - Wood
  • 形旁 (Phonetic Component): 杉 (shān)

释义 (Meaning):

  • A type of coniferous tree native to East Asia, characterized by its straight trunk, scaly bark, and evergreen needle-like leaves.
  • The wood of the杉 tree is valued for its strength, durability, and resistance to rot. It is commonly used in construction, furniture making, and shipbuilding.

拼音 (Pinyin):

  • shān

出处 (Origin):

  • The earliest written form of the character "杉" can be traced back to the Warring States period (475-221 BC).

用法 (Usage):

  • As a noun:

    • 杉树 (shānshù) - 杉 tree
    • 杉木 (shānmù) - 杉 wood
    • 杉林 (shānlín) - 杉 forest
  • As an adjective:

    • 杉质的 (shānzì de) - Made of 杉 wood

解释 (Explanation):


造句 (Examples):

  • 这座房子是用杉木建造的,非常坚固。(Zhè zuò fángzi shì yòng shānmù jiànzào de, fēicháng jiāngù.) - This house is built with 杉 wood and is very sturdy.
  • 他用杉木做了一张桌子,非常漂亮。(Tā yòng shānmù zuòle yī zhāng zhuōzi, fēicháng piàoliang.) - He made a table out of 杉 wood, which is very beautiful.
  • 这座山里有很多杉树。(Zhè zuò shān lǐ yǒu hěn duō shānshù.) - There are many 杉 trees in this mountain.

近义词 (Synonyms):

  • 松 (sōng) - Pine tree
  • 柏 (bǎi) - Cypress tree
  • 桧 (huì) - Juniper tree
  • 榆 (yú) - Elm tree
  • 栎 (lì) - Oak tree

反义词 (Antonyms):

  • 柳树 (liǔshù) - Willow tree
  • 桃树 (táoshù) - Peach tree
  • 梨树 (líshù) - Pear tree
  • 樱花树 (yīnghuāshù) - Cherry blossom tree
  • 枫树 (fēngshù) - Maple tree
  • 针叶树 (Zhēnyèshù) - Coniferous tree
  • 杉科 (Shānkē) - Taxodiaceae (family)
  • 杉属 (Shānshù) - Cryptomeria (genus)







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