
    时间: 浏览:47次  来源:来补习


字形结构 (Character Structure):

  • 部首 (Radical): 肉 (ròu) - Meat
  • 形旁 (Phonetic Component): 胀 (zhàng)

释义 (Meaning):

  • 动词 (Verb):

    • 膨胀 (pēngzhàng) - To swell; to expand
    • 充盈 (chōngyíng) - To fill; to be full
    • 撑大 (chēng dà) - To stretch; to distend
    • 鼓胀 (gǔ zhàng) - To bulge; to be swollen
    • 胀痛 (zhàng tòng) - To feel swollen and painful
  • 形容词 (Adjective):

    • 膨大 (péng dà) - Bulky; swollen
    • 充实 (chōngshí) - Full; substantial
    • 饱满 (bǎomǎn) - Plump; full
    • 圆润 (yuán rùn) - Round and plump
    • 饱胀 (bǎo zhàng) - Full and swollen

拼音 (Pinyin):

  • zhàng

出处 (Origin):

  • The earliest written form of the character "胀" can be traced back to the Warring States period (475-221 BC).

用法 (Usage):

  • As a verb:

    • "胀" (zhàng) can be used to describe the act of swelling, expanding, or filling.
    • It can also be used to describe the feeling of being swollen or distended.
  • As an adjective:

    • "胀" (zhàng) can be used to describe something that is swollen, distended, or full.

解释 (Explanation):

  • 胀指物体由于气体或液体充盈而变得膨胀,或人体或动物的某个部位由于气体或液体充盈而变得膨胀。

造句 (Examples):

  • As a verb:

    • 气球在阳光下被晒得胀了起来。(Qìqiú zài yángguāng xià bèi shài de zhàng le qǐlái.) - The balloon swelled up in the sun.
    • 他吃了很多东西,肚子胀得难受。(Tā chīle hěn duō dōngxī, dùzi zhàng de nán shòu.) - He ate a lot and his stomach felt swollen.
  • As an adjective:

    • 他把水管拧得太紧了,水管都胀裂了。(Tā bǎ shuǐguǎn nín de tài jǐnle, shuǐguǎn dōu zhàng liè le.) - He tightened the water pipe too much and it burst.
    • 她因为怀孕而变得丰满胀大。(Tā yīnwèi huànyè ér biàn de fēngmǎn zhàng dà.) - She became plump and swollen because she was pregnant.

近义词 (Synonyms):

  • 膨胀 (pēngzhàng) - To swell; to expand
  • 充盈 (chōngyíng) - To fill; to be full
  • 撑大 (chēng dà) - To stretch; to distend
  • 鼓胀 (gǔ zhàng) - To bulge; to be swollen
  • 饱胀 (bǎo zhàng) - Full and swollen

反义词 (Antonyms):

  • 缩小 (suōxiǎo) - To shrink; to contract
  • 空虚 (kōngxū) - Empty; void
  • 干瘪 (gān bié) - Shriveled; withered
  • 瘦削 (shòu xiāo) - Thin and gaunt
  • 瘪塌 (biē tā) - Flat; deflated

翻译 (Translation):

  • 膨胀 (pēngzhàng) - To swell; to expand
  • 充盈 (chōngyíng) - To fill; to be full
  • 撑大 (chēng dà) - To stretch; to distend
  • 鼓胀 (gǔ zhàng) - To bulge; to be swollen
  • 饱胀 (bǎo zhàng) - Full and swollen
  • 肿胀 (zhǒngzhàng) - Swollen; edematous
  • 胀痛 (zhàng tòng) - To feel swollen and painful
  • 胀气 (zhàng qì) - Bloating; flatulence
  • 胀奶 (zhàng nǎi) - Engorged breasts (lactation)
  • 胀潮 (zhàng cháo) - High tide
  • 胀红 (zhàng hóng) - To turn red and swolle







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