
    时间: 浏览:51次  来源:来补习


意思:   (shuò) - To shine; to gleam; to sparkle.


  • shuò


  • 火 (huǒ) - Fire


  • 烁指物体发出耀眼的光芒,形容光芒明亮耀眼,闪烁不定。


  • The earliest written form of the character "烁" can be traced back to the Warring States period (475-221 BC).


  • (shuò) can be used as a verb or an adjective.

    • As a verb, it means "to shine," "to gleam," or "to sparkle."
    • As an adjective, it means "shining," "gleaming," or "sparkling."


  • 横、竖、撇、捺、点 (héng, shù, piě, nà, diǎn) - Horizontal, vertical, left hook, slanting down stroke, dot


  • 星星在夜空中闪烁着光芒。 (Xīngxīng zài yèkōng zhōng shuòshè zhe guāngmáng.) - The stars are twinkling in the night sky.
  • 宝石在阳光下闪闪发光。 (Bǎoshí zài yángguāng xià shǎnshǎn fāguāng.) - The gemstones are sparkling in the sunlight.
  • 他的眼睛闪烁着智慧的光芒。 (Tā de yǎnjīng shuòshè zhe zhìhuì de guāngmáng.) - His eyes sparkle with intelligence.


  • 闪耀 (shǎnyào) - To shine brightly
  • 闪亮 (shǎnliàng) - To be bright and shiny
  • 闪烁 (shuòshè) - To flicker; to twinkle
  • 辉煌 (huīhuáng) - Brilliant; magnificent
  • 灿烂 (cànlàn) - Brilliant; dazzling


  • 昏暗 (hūnmàn) - Dark; dim
  • 阴暗 (yīnwéi) - Dark; gloomy
  • 晦暗 (huìàn) - Dark; obscure
  • 黯淡 (àn dàn) - Dark; bleak
  • 沉闷 (chénmèn) - Dull; gloomy


1. 烁烁 (shuòshuò)

  • Meaning: Shining brightly; sparkling
  • Example: 星星在夜空中烁烁发光。(Xīngxīng zài yèkōng zhōng shuòshuò fāguāng.) - The stars are shining brightly in the night sky.

2. 熠烁 (yìshuò)

  • Meaning: Gleaming; shimmering
  • Example: 宝石在阳光下熠烁生辉。(Bǎoshí zài yángguāng xià yìshuò shēnghuī.) - The gemstones are gleaming in the sunlight.

3. 闪烁 (shuòshè)

  • Meaning: To flicker; to twinkle
  • Example: 灯光在黑暗中闪烁着。(Dēngguāng zài hēi'àn zhōng shuòshè zhe.) - The lights are flickering in the darkness.

4. 震烁 (zhènshuò)

  • Meaning: To shake and shine; to tremble and glitter
  • Example: 雷电交加,天空震烁。(Léidiàn jiāojiā, tiānkōng zhènshuò.) - Thunder and lightning are flashing across the sky.

5. 凌烁 (língshuò)

  • Meaning: To tower over; to surpass
  • Example: 他的才华凌烁众人。(Tā de cáihuá língshuò zhòngrén.) - His talent surpasses that of others.

6. 烁爚 (shuòhuì)

  • Meaning: To shine brightly; to be radiant
  • Example: 火焰在夜空中烁爚。(Huǒyàn zài yèkōng zhōng shuòhuì.) - The flames are shining brightly in the night sky.

7. 烁电 (shuòdiàn)

  • Meaning: Flashing lightning
  • Example: 烁电划破夜空。(Shuòdiàn huàpò yèkōng.) - The lightning streaks across the night sky.

8. 烁亮 (shuòliàng)

  • Meaning: Bright and shiny
  • Example: 他擦亮了眼镜,看得更清楚了。(Tā cāla liàngle yǎnjīng, kàn de gèng qīngchǔle.) - He polished his glasses and could see more clearly.

9. 烁迦罗 (shuòjiāluó)

  • Meaning: A type of Buddha statue that emits light
  • Example: 烁迦罗佛像金光闪闪。(Shuòjiāluó fóxiàng jīn guāng shǎnshǎn.) - The Buddha statue is shining with golden light.

10. 烁烁发光 (shuòshuò fāguāng)

  • Meaning: To shine brightly; to sparkle
  • Example: 星星在夜空中烁烁发光。(Xīngxīng zài yèkōng zhōng shuòshuò fāguāng.) - The stars are shining brightly in the night sky.
  • Synonyms: 闪耀 (shǎnyào), 闪亮 (shǎnliàng), 闪烁 (shuòshè), 辉煌 (huīhuáng), 灿烂 (cànlàn)
  • Related concepts: 光芒 (guāngmáng), 星星 (xīngxīng), 宝石 (bǎoshí), 智慧 (zhìhuì), 美丽 (měilì)
  • Attributes: 耀眼 (yàoyǎn), 夺目 (duómù), 华丽 (huálì), 绚丽 (xuànlì), 璀璨 (cuǐcàn)







2024-05-31  分类:汉字词语查询  浏览:52次