
    时间: 浏览:222次  来源:来补习

币 (bì) is a Chinese character that means "currency" or "money". It can also refer to a type of token or medal used as currency or as a symbol of authority.



The character "币" is composed of two parts:

  • 贝 (bèi) - This character originally meant "cowrie shell", which was used as a form of currency in ancient China.
  • 匕 (bǐ) - This character originally meant "dagger". It is thought that the dagger was used to cut cowrie shells into smaller pieces for use as currency.

近义词 (Synonyms)

  • 钱 (qián) - money
  • 钞票 (chāopiào) - banknotes
  • 硬币 (yìngbì) - coins
  • 纸币 (zhǐbì) - paper money
  • 货币 (huòbì) - currency
  • 财富 (cái fù) - wealth
  • 财富 (cái fù) - wealth

反义词 (Antonyms)

  • 贫穷 (pín qióng) - poverty
  • 穷困 (qióng kùn) - destitution
  • 匮乏 (kuì fá) - scarcity
  • 缺乏 (quē fá) - lack
  • 不足 (bù zú) - insufficiency


The character "币" can be used as a noun or a verb.

  • Noun: As a noun, "币" refers to currency, money, or a token or medal used as currency or as a symbol of authority. For example:

政府正在发行新的货币。(The government is issuing new currency.)我需要一些钱来买食物。(I need some money to buy food.)他收到了一枚奖章作为表彰。(He received a medal as an award.)

  • Verb: As a verb, "币" means "to exchange currency" or "to convert currency". For example:

你能帮我把美元兑换成人民币吗?(Can you help me exchange my US dollars for RMB?)银行的汇率是多少?(What is the exchange rate at the bank?)


The character "币" is a pictograph, which means that it originally represented a picture of an object. In this case, the character "币" originally represented a picture of a cowrie shell, which was used as a form of currency in ancient China.

币 (bì) is a versatile Chinese character with multiple meanings, primarily associated with currency, money, and tokens. It can also refer to medals or badges used as symbols of authority or recognition.

  1. Currency: "币" is the most common meaning of the character, encompassing various forms of money used for transactions and exchange. It includes physical forms like banknotes, coins, and digital currencies like cryptocurrencies.

  2. Token or Medal: "币" can also refer to tokens or medals issued by governments, institutions, or organizations. These tokens often serve as symbols of authority, recognition, or membership.

  • 货币 (huòbì) - currency
  • 钞票 (chāopiào) - banknotes
  • 硬币 (yìngbì) - coins
  • 纸币 (zhǐbì) - paper money
  • 数字货币 (shùzì huòbì) - digital currency
  • 外汇 (wàihùi) - foreign exchange
  • 储蓄 (chúcù) - savings
  • 投资 (tóuzī) - investment
  • 流通 (liútōng) - circulation
  • 贬值 (biànzhi) - devaluation
  • 升值 (shēngzhí) - appreciation
  • 发行 (fāxíng) - issuance
  • 回收 (huíshōu) - withdrawal
  • 伪造 (wěizào) - counterfeiting
  • 洗钱 (xǐqián) - money laundering
  • 金融 (jīnróng) - finance
  • 经济 (jīngjì) - economy
  • 贸易 (màoyì) - trade
  • 商业 (shāngyè) - commerce


  • 货币政策 (huòbì zhèngcè) - monetary policy
  • 银行卡 (yínhángkǎ) - bank card
  • 纸币 (zhǐbì) - paper money
  • 硬币 (yìngbì) - coins
  • 数字货币 (shùzì huòbì) - digital currency


  • 钱 (qián) - money
  • 钞票 (chāopiào) - banknotes
  • 现金 (xiànjīn) - cash
  • 金钱 (jīnqián) - money
  • 财物 (cáiwù) - wealth


  • 贫穷 (pínqióng) - poverty
  • 穷困 (qióngkùn) - destitution
  • 匮乏 (kuìfá) - scarcity
  • 缺乏 (quēfá) - lack
  • 不足 (bùzú) - insufficiency

释义 (Meaning)

币 (bì) is a versatile Chinese character with multiple meanings, primarily associated with currency, money, and tokens. It can also refer to medals or badges used as symbols of authority or recognition.

  1. Currency: "币" is the most common meaning of the character, encompassing various forms of money used for transactions and exchange. It includes physical forms like banknotes, coins, and digital currencies like cryptocurrencies.

  2. Token or Medal: "币" can also refer to tokens or medals issued by governments, institutions, or organizations. These tokens often serve as symbols of authority, recognition, or membership.

用法 (Usage)

The character "币" can be used as both a noun and a verb in Chinese sentences.

  1. Noun: As a noun, "币" is typically used to refer to currency, tokens, or medals. For example:

政府正在发行新的货币。(The government is issuing new currency.)

他收到了一枚奖章作为表彰。(He received a medal as an award.)

  1. Verb: As a verb, "币" is used to describe the act of exchanging or converting currency. For instance:

你能帮我把美元兑换成人民币吗?(Can you help me exchange my US dollars for RMB?)

银行的汇率是多少?(What is the exchange rate at the bank?)

造句 (Examples)

Here are some examples of sentences using the character "币":

  1. 中国的官方货币是人民币。(The official currency of China is the Renminbi.)

  2. 他用信用卡支付了账单。(He paid the bill with his credit card.)

  3. 这枚古币具有很高的收藏价值。(This ancient coin has high collectible value.)

  4. 运动员们在颁奖典礼上收到了奖牌。(The athletes received medals at the award ceremony.)

  5. 政府采取措施稳定汇率。(The government is taking measures to stabilize the exchange rate.)








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