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【茎字组词】是什么意思拼音出处和用法,解释和造句,近义词和反义词,以及翻译  要h标签代码形式输出



(jīng) can have several meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the most common:

  • Stem: 植物体上生枝长叶开花的部分,有输送植物体内养料的作用,是植物的中轴。(zhíwùtǐ shàng shēng zhī zhǎng yè kāi huā de bùfèn, yǒu shū sòng zhíwù tǐnèi yǎngliào de zuòyòng, shì zhíwù de zhōng zhóu.) - The stem is the part of a plant that bears branches, leaves, and flowers, and is responsible for transporting nutrients within the plant. It is the central axis of the plant.
  • Stalk: 草本植物的茎杆。(cǎoběn zhíwù de jīnggǎn.) - The stem of a herbaceous plant.
  • Straw: 禾本科植物的茎杆。(héběn kē zhíwù de jīnggǎn.) - The stem of a gramineae plant.
  • Peduncle: 花序的茎。(huāxù de jīng.) - The stem of an inflorescence.
  • Filament: 雄蕊的花丝。(xióngruǐ de huā sī.) - The filament of a stamen.


  • jīng


  • 《说文解字》 (Shuōwén Jiězì) - "Explanations of Characters" by Xu Shen (100-180 CE)


can be used as a noun or verb.


  • 植物体上生枝长叶开花的部分。(zhíwùtǐ shàng shēng zhī zhǎng yè kāi huā de bùfèn.) - The stem is the part of a plant that bears branches, leaves, and flowers.
  • 草本植物的茎杆。(cǎoběn zhíwù de jīnggǎn.) - The stem of a herbaceous plant.
  • 禾本科植物的茎杆。(héběn kē zhíwù de jīnggǎn.) - The stem of a gramineae plant.
  • 花序的茎。(huāxù de jīng.) - The stem of an inflorescence.
  • 雄蕊的花丝。(xióngruǐ de huā sī.) - The filament of a stamen.


  • 茎生 (jīngshēng) - to grow on the stem
  • 茎叶 (jīngyè) - stem and leaves
  • 茎秆 (jīnggǎn) - stem



  • 植物体上生枝长叶开花的部分,有输送植物体内养料的作用,是植物的中轴。 (zhíwùtǐ shàng shēng zhī zhǎng yè kāi huā de bùfèn, yǒu shū sòng zhíwù tǐnèi yǎngliào de zuòyòng, shì zhíwù de zhōng zhóu.) - The stem is the part of a plant that bears branches, leaves, and flowers, and is responsible for transporting nutrients within the plant. It is the central axis of the plant.
  • 草本植物的茎杆。 (cǎoběn zhíwù de jīnggǎn.) - The stem of a herbaceous plant.
  • 禾本科植物的茎杆。 (héběn kē zhíwù de jīnggǎn.) - The stem of a gramineae plant.
  • 花序的茎。 (huāxù de jīng.) - The stem of an inflorescence.
  • 雄蕊的花丝。 (xióngruǐ de huā sī.) - The filament of a stamen.


  • 这棵树的茎很粗。(Zhè kē shù de jīng hěn cū.) - The stem of this tree is very thick.
  • 这朵花的茎很细。(Zhè duǒ huā de jīng hěn xì.) - The stem of this flower is very thin.
  • 这根稻草的茎很长。(Zhè gēn dǎocǎo de jīng hěn cháng.) - The stem of this straw is very long
  • 茎叶 (jīngyè) - Stem and leaves, #plantParts, #botany
  • 茎秆 (jīnggǎn) - Stem, #plantStructure, #agriculture
  • 茎生 (jīngshēng) - Growing on the stem, #plantGrowth, #biology
  • 茎秆化 (jīnggǎnhuà) - Stemification, #plantDevelopment, #botany
  • 茎秆病 (jīnggǎnbìng) - Stem disease, #plantPathology, #agriculture
  • 茎秆纤维 (jīnggǎnfīxiān) - Stem fiber, #plantFibers, #textiles
  • 茎秆提取物 (jīnggǎntīqǔwù) - Stem extract, #naturalProducts, #pharmaceuticals
  • 茎秆燃料 (jīnggǎnrániliào) - Stem fuel, #bioenergy, #renewableEnergy
  • 茎秆建筑 (jīnggǎnjiànzhù) - Stem-based construction, #sustainableBuilding, #greenArchitecture
  • 茎秆艺术 (jīnggǎnyìshù) - Stem art, #naturalArt, #environmentalArt



