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  • 女子人名用字及译音字。


  • 形容女子姿态柔美:**娜** **娜** **多姿**。



  • 娜娜小玉,今年十八岁了。 (Nana Xiaoyu is 18 years old this year.)
  • 娜塔莎芭蕾舞姿婀娜多姿**。 (Natascha's ballet movements are graceful and varied.)


  • 她身姿娜娜,妩媚动人。 (She has a graceful figure and is charming.)
  • 春天的柳丝娜娜多姿,随风飘舞。 (The willow branches in spring are graceful and varied, dancing in the wind.)







girl, woman, lady

Nana (name)


graceful, elegant, beautiful, charming

  • 婀娜多姿: This phrase directly conveys the essence of "娜" (nà), highlighting the graceful and varied movements and appearance of someone or something.

  • 楚楚动人: This phrase emphasizes the captivating and touching beauty of someone, often with a hint of vulnerability or innocence.

  • 娉婷袅娜: This phrase further describes graceful and slender movements, often with a focus on the swaying or undulating nature of those movements.

  • 娇羞含蓄: This phrase highlights the shyness and modesty of someone, often accompanied by a subtle charm and allure.

  • 温婉柔美: This phrase emphasizes the gentle and soft nature of someone, often associated with kindness, compassion, and femininity.

  • 优雅大方: This phrase describes someone who is both graceful and poised, exuding a sense of refinement and sophistication.

  • 仪态万方: This phrase highlights someone's impeccable manners and demeanor, suggesting an air of elegance and dignity.

  • 亭亭玉立: This phrase describes a woman who is slender and graceful, standing tall and poised like a jade statue.

  • 婀娜倩影: This phrase paints a picture of a graceful and charming woman's silhouette, often evoking a sense of longing or admiration.

  • 袅袅娜娜: This phrase emphasizes the continuous and flowing nature of graceful movements, suggesting a sense of effortless beauty.

  • 婀娜身姿: This phrase focuses on the graceful figure and posture of someone, highlighting their overall elegance and attractiveness.

  • 窈窕淑女: This phrase describes a woman who is both graceful and virtuous, embodying the ideal of feminine beauty and character.

  • 娇娥美人: This phrase highlights the beauty and charm of a young woman, often with a hint of playfulness or coquetry.

  • 娉婷佳人: This phrase describes a graceful and beautiful young woman, often with a focus on her elegance and refinement.

  • 婀娜舞姿: This phrase emphasizes the graceful movements of a dancer, suggesting a sense of fluidity and artistry.

  • 袅袅舞姿: This phrase further describes the flowing and swaying nature of a dancer's movements, evoking a sense of elegance and beauty.

  • 娉婷舞姿: This phrase highlights the graceful and delicate movements of a dancer, often with a focus on their femininity and refinement.

  • 婀娜步态: This phrase describes the graceful and elegant way someone walks, suggesting a sense of poise and confidence.

  • 袅袅步态: This phrase further emphasizes the flowing and swaying nature of someone's walk, evoking a sense of elegance and charm.

  • 娉婷步态: This phrase highlights the delicate and graceful way someone walks, often with a focus on their femininity and refinement.

  • 婀娜身段: This phrase describes the graceful and slender figure of someone, often with a focus on their curves and movements.

  • 袅袅身段: This phrase further emphasizes the flowing and swaying nature of someone's figure, evoking a sense of elegance and beauty.

  • 娉婷身段: This phrase highlights the delicate and graceful figure of someone, often with a focus on their femininity and refinement.

  1. 她身姿娜娜,妩媚动人。(She has a graceful figure and is charming.)

  2. 春天的柳丝娜娜多姿,随风飘舞。(The willow branches in spring are graceful and varied, dancing in the wind.)

  3. 这幅仕女图画,将女子娜娜多姿的身姿描绘得淋漓尽致。(This painting of a lady depicts her graceful figure perfectly.)

  4. 她穿着一袭长裙,娜娜地走在大街上。(She was walking down the street gracefully in a long dress.)


The Chinese word 娜 (nà) can be used as a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it refers to a woman or girl. As an adjective, it describes something that is graceful, elegant, or beautiful. The TAG tags listed above are related to the different meanings and usages of the word 娜.

Additional Notes:

  • The word 娜 (nà) is often used in combination with other words to form new terms. For example, 娜娜 (nànà) means "graceful and elegant," and 婀娜多姿 (ē nuó duō zī) means "graceful and varied."

  • The word 娜 (nà) is a relatively common word in Chinese and is used in a variety of contexts. It is a good word to learn if you are interested in learning Chinese






The Beautiful Place


2019-09-02  分类:古籍  浏览:936次