
    时间: 浏览:60次  来源:来补习




  • 乾 (qián): Dry.
  • 乾 (qián): Heaven.
  • 乾 (qián): The west.
  • 乾 (qián): To dry up.
  • 乾 (qián): To exhaust.

拼音  qián


  • The earliest written record of the word "乾" (qián) can be found in the Shang Dynasty.
  • 干燥 (gān zào): dry
  • 干涸 (gān hé): dry up
  • 枯竭 (kū jié): exhaust
  • 天 (tiān): heaven
  • 西 (xī): west
  • 乾坤 (qián kūn): heaven and earth
  • 乾卦 (qián guà): the hexagram Qian, representing the sky
  • 晒干 (shài gān): to dry up by sunning
  • 耗尽 (hào jìn): to exhaust or deplete
  • 筋疲力尽 (jīn pí lì jìn): to be exhausted
  • 晴朗蔚蓝 (qíng lǎng wèi lán): clear and blue
  • 落日的方向 (luò rì de fāng xiàng): the direction of the setting sun
  • 完全干涸 (wán quán gān hé): completely dry up
  • 政府资源枯竭 (zhèng fǔ zī yuán kū jié): government resources are depleted
  • 枯叶沙沙作响 (kū yè shā shā zuò xiǎng): dry leaves rustle in the wind


  • "乾" (qián) can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective.

As a noun:

  • It refers to the sky or heaven.
  • It can also refer to the west.

As a verb:

  • It means to dry up or become dry.
  • It can also mean to exhaust or deplete.

As an adjective:

  • It describes something that is dry.


The word "乾" (qián) has a wide range of meanings, all of which are related to the concepts of dryness, the sky, and the west. In ancient Chinese cosmology, the sky or heaven was often represented as a vast, dry expanse. The west was also associated with dryness, as it was the direction of the setting sun.


  • Noun:

    • 乾坤 (qián kūn) - heaven and earth
    • 乾卦 (qián guà) - the hexagram Qian, representing the sky
  • Verb:

    • 衣服乾了。(yīfú qián le) - The clothes are dry.
    • 他乾脆地拒绝了。(tā qián cuì de jù jué le) - He flatly refused.
  • Adjective:

    • 这块土地很乾。(zhè kuài tǔdì hěn qián) - This land is very dry.
    • 他乾巴巴地说了一些话。(tā qián bā bā de shuō le yī xiē huà) - He spoke some dry, meaningless words.


  • 干燥 (gān zào): dry
  • 干涸 (gān hé): dry up
  • 枯竭 (kū jié): exhaust
  • 天 (tiān): heaven
  • 西 (xī): west


  • 湿润 (shī rùn): moist
  • 潮湿 (cháo shī): damp
  • 潮湿 (cháo shī): humid
  • 地 (dì): earth
  • 东 (dōng): east


  • dry
  • heaven
  • sky
  • west
  • to dry up
  • to exhaust
  • to deplete
  • to become dry


  • The dry weather has caused the crops to fail. (干旱的天气导致庄稼歉收。)
  • The sun dried up the puddles on the road. (太阳晒干了路上的水坑。)
  • The soldiers were exhausted after the long march. (士兵们经过长途跋涉后筋疲力尽。)
  • The sky was clear and blue. (天空晴朗蔚蓝。)
  • The west is the direction of the setting sun. (西方是落日的方向。)
  • The river has dried up completely. (河流已经完全干涸。)
  • The government's resources are depleted. (政府的资源已经枯竭。)
  • The dry leaves rustled in the wind. (枯叶在风中沙沙作响。)







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