
    时间: 浏览:45次  来源:来补习




  • 牢 (láo): A prison or jail.
  • 牢 (láo): Firm, solid, or secure.
  • 牢 (láo): Deeply impressed upon the mind.

拼音  láo


  • 名词:指监狱或牢房。

  • 动词:指将人监禁或关进监狱。

  • 形容词:指坚固、牢靠、牢记等。
  • The earliest written record of the word "牢" (láo) can be found in the Shang Dynasty.


  • "牢" (láo) can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective.

As a noun:

  • It refers to a prison or jail.

As a verb:

  • It means to imprison or jail someone.

As an adjective:

  • It describes something that is firm, solid, or secure.
  • It can also describe something that is deeply impressed upon the mind.


Prisons and jails are places where people are kept in custody, typically as punishment for a crime. They are often characterized by their strong security measures and limited freedom of movement for the inmates.

  • 监狱 (jiàn yù): prison
  • 监牢 (jiān láo): jail
  • 牢房 (láo fáng): prison cell
  • 牢狱 (láo yù): imprisonment
  • 牢固 (láo gù): firm, secure
  • 牢靠 (láo kào): reliable
  • 牢记 (láo jì): to remember firmly
  • 牢牢 (láo láo): firmly
  • 牢牢地 (láo láo de): securely
  • 坚固 (jiān gù): firm, solid
  • 牢记在心 (láo jì zài xīn): to keep in mind
  • 牢记不忘 (láo jì bù wàng): to never forget
  • 牢记教训 (láo jì jiào xùn): to remember the lesson
  • 牢记使命 (láo jì shǐ mìng): to bear in mind the mission
  • 牢记职责 (láo jì zhǔ zé): to fulfill one's duties
  • 牢记初心 (láo jì chū xīn): to keep in mind the original aspiration


  • Noun:

    • 他被关进了牢里。(tā bèi guān jìn le láo lǐ) - He was put in jail.
    • 这座牢房很坚固。(zhè zuò láo fáng hěn jiān gù) - This prison cell is very secure.
  • Verb:

    • 他被牢狱了。(tā bèi láo yù le) - He was imprisoned.
    • 政府牢牢地控制着国家。(zhèngfǔ láo láo de kòng zhì zhe guó jiā) - The government has firm control over the country.
  • Adjective:

    • 这把椅子很牢。(zhè bǎ yǐ zi hěn láo) - This chair is very sturdy.
    • 他对这件事印象很牢。(tā duì zhè jiàn shì yìn xiàng hěn láo) - He has a very strong impression of this incident.


  • 监狱 (jiàn yù): prison
  • 监牢 (jiān láo): jail
  • 牢房 (láo fáng): prison cell
  • 坚固 (jiān gù): firm
  • 牢固 (láo gù): secure
  • 牢靠 (láo kào): reliable
  • 牢记 (láo jì): to remember firmly
  • 牢牢 (láo láo): firmly
  • 牢牢地 (láo láo de): securely


  • 自由 (zì yóu): freedom
  • 开放 (kāi fàng): open
  • 软弱 (ruǎn ruò): weak
  • 脆弱 (cuì ruò): fragile
  • 容易忘记 (yì róng wàng jì): easy to forget


  • prison
  • jail
  • cell
  • firm
  • solid
  • secure
  • deeply impressed


  • The prisoner was imprisoned for life. (囚犯被终身监禁。)
  • The jail was overcrowded and unsanitary. (监狱人满为患,不卫生。)
  • The cell was small and dark. (牢房又小又暗。)
  • The chair was sturdy enough to support his weight. (椅子足够结实,可以支撑他的体重。)
  • He has a strong memory for details. (他对细节有很强的记忆力。)
  • The government's grip on power is firm. (政府对权力的掌控很牢固。)
  • We must remember the lessons of history. (我们必须牢记历史教训。)
  • The secure lock kept the door closed. (牢固的锁将门关着。)
  • The deeply impressed child never forgot what he saw. (那个印象深刻的孩子永远不会忘记他看到的东西。)







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