
    时间: 浏览:44次  来源:来补习



  • 砚 (yàn): An ink stone, a flat piece of stone or other material used for grinding ink for writing or painting.

Pinyin  yàn    Origin

  • The earliest written record of the word "砚" (yàn) can be found in the Han Dynasty.
  • 墨石 (mò shí): Ink stone
  • 墨台 (mò tái): Ink stand
  • 墨砚 (mò yàn): Ink stone
  • 研墨 (yán mò): Grind ink
  • 磨墨 (mó mò): Grind ink
  • 砚田 (yàn tián): Ink field (a term used to describe the smooth, flat surface of an ink stone)
  • 砚文 (yàn wén): Ink pattern (the texture or design on the surface of an ink stone)
  • 砚池 (yàn chí): Ink pool (the depression in an ink stone where the ink is ground)
  • 砚台收藏 (yàn tái shōu cáng): Ink stand collection
  • 砚台鉴赏 (yàn tái jiànshǎng): Ink stand appreciation

  • "砚" (yàn) can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective.

As a noun:

  • It refers to an ink stone.
  • It can also refer to the ink that is ground on an ink stone.

As a verb:

  • It means to grind ink on an ink stone.

As an adjective:

  • It describes something that is related to ink stones or ink.


Ink stones are an important tool for traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting. They are used to grind ink from ink sticks, which are made of soot, glue, and other ingredients. The quality of the ink stone can have a significant impact on the quality of the ink, and therefore the quality of the calligraphy or painting.


  • Noun:

    • 他用他的砚磨墨。(tā yòng tā de yàn mó mò) - He used his ink stone to grind ink.
    • 这幅画的墨色很砚。(zhè fù huà de mò sè hěn yàn) - The ink color of this painting is very good.
  • Verb:

    • 他砚了一些墨。(tā yàn le yī xiē mò) - He ground some ink.
  • Adjective:

    • 这是一块砚石。(zhè shì yī kuài yàn shí) - This is an ink stone.
    • 他是一位砚台收藏家。(tā shì yī wèi yàn tái shōu cáng jiā) - He is an ink stone collector.


  • 墨石 (mò shí) - ink stone
  • 墨台 (mò tái) - ink stand
  • 墨砚 (mò yàn) - ink stone


  • 笔 (bǐ) - brush
  • 纸 (zhǐ) - paper
  • 墨 (mò) - ink


  • ink stone
  • inkstand
  • ink slab


  • The child carefully ground the ink on the ink stone. (孩子仔细地用砚台磨墨。)
  • The calligrapher used a special type of ink stone to create his unique style of calligraphy. (书法家使用了一种特殊的砚台来创作他独特的书法风格。)
  • The antique ink stone was a prized possession of the collector. (古董砚台是收藏家的珍宝。)
  • The ink from the ink stone was as black as night. (砚台里的墨汁黑如夜晚。)
  • The ink stand was made of jade and was decorated with intricate carvings. (墨台是用玉石制成的,上面装饰着精美的雕刻。)



