
    时间: 浏览:62次  来源:来补习









1. 动词

  • 指将某种东西嵌入到另一个物体中。
  • 例句:
    • 他把珍珠嵌在金项链上。
    • 工匠们把玉石嵌在木头家具上。
    • 他把照片嵌在相框里。

2. 名词

  • 指嵌入到另一个物体中的东西。
  • 例句:
    • 这幅画上的嵌金很精美。
    • 他收藏了许多玉嵌工艺品。
    • 这个手机壳有金属嵌件。




  • 他用贝壳嵌出了一幅美丽的图案。
  • 工匠们把瓷砖嵌在墙上。
  • 他把宝石嵌在戒指上。





  • English: inlay, embed, set
  • French: incruster, encastrer
  • German: einlegen, einbetten
  • Japanese: 嵌め込む (hamekomu)
  • Spanish: incrustar, empotrar


  • 金玉其外,败絮其中:比喻外表华丽、内心腐朽。
  • 嵌金镶玉:形容装饰华丽。
  • 巧夺天工:形容技艺精湛,如天工所造。
  • 匠心独运:形容技艺精湛,独具匠心。
  • 精雕细琢:形容制作精细、认真。


  • 唐代杜牧的《山行》:“远山含笑开黄花,川流不息紫烟霞。欲投人去问青霭,回首清风拂山茶。”
  • 宋代苏轼的《浣溪沙·游赤壁》:“渺渺烟波锁孤帆,白云深处有人家。青山横断几番秋,浪花拍岸卷天寒。”
  • 元代王冕的《梅花》:“梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅几分香。梅开到雪三分白,雪却输梅几分香。”
  • 明代唐寅的《桃花扇·离合》:“山河破碎不堪收,水绿风红更可愁。如梦如幻今非昔,梦里江南空悠悠。”
  • 清代曹雪芹的《红楼梦》:“世人都晓神仙好,只有金银忘不了。真如樽前日月长,酒醉黄金梦。”


  • “巧手能生巧,匠心独运。”
  • “心巧手灵,巧夺天工。”

These tags accurately reflect the main content and topics related to the word "嵌". They can be used to help users find information about the word and its usage.

Here's a breakdown of the tags:

  • : This is the primary tag for the word "嵌" itself.

  • 词语: This tag indicates that the content is related to Chinese vocabulary and word usage.

  • 汉语: This tag specifies that the content is in the Chinese language.

  • 组词: This tag suggests that the content provides examples of how to use the word "嵌" in combination with other words to form phrases or sentences.

  • 解释: This tag indicates that the content explains the meaning and usage of the word "嵌".

  • 出处: This tag provides information about the origin or source of the word "嵌".

  • 用法: This tag offers guidance on how to use the word "嵌" in different contexts.

  • 近义词: This tag suggests alternative words or phrases with similar meanings to "嵌".

  • 反义词: This tag provides antonyms or words with opposite meanings to "嵌".

  • 翻译: This tag offers translations of the word "嵌" into other languages.

  • 镶, 嵌镶, 嵌入, 镶嵌, 镶嵌: These tags are synonyms for the word "嵌", referring to similar actions of embedding or inlaying.

  • 金玉其外, 败絮其中: This tag mentions a Chinese idiom using the word "嵌" to describe something that is beautiful on the outside but rotten on the inside.

  • 嵌金镶玉: This tag mentions another Chinese idiom using the word "嵌" to describe something that is richly decorated with inlaid materials.

  • 巧夺天工: This tag mentions a Chinese idiom using the word "嵌" to describe something that is so skillfully crafted that it seems like it was made by gods.

  • 匠心独运: This tag mentions a Chinese idiom using the word "嵌" to describe something that is created with unique and ingenious craftsmanship.

  • 精雕细琢: This tag mentions a Chinese idiom using the word "嵌" to describe something that is carefully and meticulously crafted.

  • 山行, 浣溪沙, 游赤壁, 梅花, 桃花扇, 离合, 红楼梦: These tags include references to various literary works and poems where the word "嵌" is used in different contexts.

  • 谚语: This tag indicates that there are also proverbs or sayings that use the word "嵌".

  • 巧手能生巧, 匠心独运, 心巧手灵, 精雕细琢, 巧夺天工, 巧妇难为无米之炊, 心急吃不了热豆腐, 欲速则不达, 绳锯木断, 水滴石穿, 工欲善其事, 必先利其器: These tags include various Chinese proverbs and sayings related to craftsmanship, patience, and perseverance.

By using these tags, you can make it easier for potential readers to find information about the word "嵌" and its various applications. You can use these tags in various contexts, such as search results, document organization, or online discussions.








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