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1 Boundless


2 the billion

... We must depend on the million.我们必须依靠老百姓。 the billion 无边无际 0ceans are the billion.海洋无边无际。 ...

3 limitless faraway

... 丰富,众多〖numerous〗 远;无边无际〖faraway;boundless;limitless〗 通“傲”。傲慢〖arrogant〗 ...


1 无边无际的

spacious ; boundless ; infinite

2 我们的怒火无边无际

Our fury is bondless

3 无边无际的宇宙

an endless universe ; an endless conversation

4 是无边无际的迷失

questo immenso e perso

5 无限的、无边无际的


6 开朗无边无际

very open sound

7 无边无际地瞎扯

ins Blaue hineinreden


1 在无边无际的世界的海滨,孩子们欢声笑语,手舞足蹈。

On the seashore of endless worlds the children meet with shouts and dances.

2 索尔·贝娄描绘了自己对伊利诺斯州看似无边无际的玉米地的印象。

Saul Bellow describes his impressions of the seemingly endless cornfields of Illinois.

3 尽量运用你拥有的少量资源结合你个人天马行空无边无际的创意和动力,去创造一些优美的功能强的设计。

Try to use the few resources you have to combine your boundless creativity and motivation to create some beautiful and powerful designs.

4 因为自我是无边无际无从度量的大海。

For self is a sea boundless and measureless.

5 这种理论认为宇宙是无边无际的。

The theory holds that the universe was endless.

6 孩子们看到那无边无际的大海时欣喜若狂。

The children flew into raptures when they saw the boundless sea.

7 什么也不用说,无边无际的沉默就是一切。

Needless to say nothing, a myriad of silence is everything.

8 在无边无际的海洋中要找到他几乎是不可能的。

It's almost impossible to find him in the immense ocean.

9 其实,在我毫不犹豫爱你时,恐惧同样无边无际。

In fact, when I love you without any hesitation, the same endless fear.

10 土地测量员的右手边向远方展开了一片黑暗的冻土,无边无际。

On the surveyor's right hand stretched a dark frozen plain, endless and boundless.

11 硅谷那无边无际的乐观主义不禁让人们想起因特网刚刚起步的早期。

The boundless optimism in Silicon Valley recalls the early days of the Internet boom.

12 这里视野开阔,看到的是无边无际起伏的沙丘,像被子上的褶皱。

The landscape fell away, revealing a seemingly infinite vista of rippled sand mounds, rising and falling like the folds in a quilt.

13 人类的社会生活是广阔的,仿佛无边无际,所以心怀谦虚是很重要的。

Human society is vast and seemingly boundless, and it also important to be modest.

14 好壮丽的高山和不可思议的海湾——当你在那里的时候,它们看起来无边无际的。

Truly majestic mountains, and the fjords are just unbelievable — they seem endless when you're there.

15 世界上没有不学习的人,知识是无边无际的,我们要活到老,学到老。

No study of man in the world, knowledge is infinite, we're going to live and learn.

16 可能你会懒于去干你的工作,因为你感到你有太多东西要做,无边无际。

Perhaps you feel lazy about starting your work because you feel like you have so much to do, with no sign of completion.

17 几年过去了,我一直做着相同的梦,呆在我无法达到尽头的银河系和无边无际的宇宙里。

For years I had the same dream being in a milky and endless universe that I can't reach the end.

18 几年过去了,我一直做着相同的梦,呆在我无法达到尽头的银河系和无边无际的宇宙里。

For years, I had the same dream, being in a milky and endless universe that I can't reach the end.

19 透过左边的窗子,黛拉看不到一棵树或一所房子,她只能看到无边无际的荒野。

Through the left window, Della could not see any trees or houses, only miles and miles of wild land.

20 恰恰相反,等待他们的将是无边无际的寂静、不太新鲜的空气和日复一日的罐头食品。

Instead, silent inertia, stale air and tinned food.

21 但是,我的主啊,你的府邸却是无边无际的,为了找她,我不得不来到你门前。

But infinite is thy mansion, my Lord, and seeking her I have to come to thy door.

22 这里没有任何迹象表明有道路存在,只有松树好似得了关节炎的树枝指向无边无际的天空。

Nosigns point the way here, only the arthritic limbs of a pine gesturing to anendless sky.

23 它的宏大与永恒印象着我,但是我的绝望是如此无边无际,以致于不能停泊丝毫死的希望。

Its grandeur and infinity impress me, but my despair is so vast that I don't even harbor the hope of death.

24 想想那无边无际的宇宙和深藏其中数不尽的星星,我们似乎无法否定外星生命存在的可能性。

Considering the wide breadth of the universe and the countless stars it contains, the odds would seem in favor of the answer being "yes."

25 无垠的天穹静止地临于头上,不息的海水在足下汹涌.孩子们会集在无边无际的世界的海边,叫着,跳着.

The ifinite sky is motionless overhead and the restless water is boisterous. On the seashore of endless worlds the children meet with shouts and dances.








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