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 luò dì shēng gēn






1 air plant 气生植物;压缩空气装置,通风系统;

2 life plant 落地生根;

3 bryophyllum 落地生根;



{植} air plant; life plant; bryophyllum

1 Kalanchoe pinnata

落地生根(KALANCHOE PINNATA):叶提取物具有止血,消炎,生肌功效,治刀伤出血,疮痈溃烂,烫伤,中耳炎。传统中草药。

2 Air-Plant Herb

... Air-Plant Herb 落地生根 air supply plant 送气装置 central air conditioning plant 集中式空气第装置 ...

3 put down roots

... move around四处搬迁 advance n.进步 put down roots落地生根 ...

4 Bryophyllum pinnatum

【摘要】: 正 落地生根(Bryophyllum pinnatum)是一种在庭园、温室、甚至钉在竹帘上都能生长的植物。利用它可以在教室里进行一次有意义的实验。


1 落地生根属植 Bryophyllum ; Bryophyllum Salisb ; Kalanchoe

2 棒叶落地生根 Kalanchoe tubifdia ; Bryophyllum delagoense

3 落地生根醇 bryophynol

4 落地生根酮 bryophyllone


1 关于婚姻的通俗讽刺文学在多民族人口中已经落地生根,体现了广泛的婚姻信仰和习俗。

Popular literary satires on marriage had already landed on fertile ground in a multiethnic population that embodied a wide range of marital beliefs and practices.

2 爱,是一见而生,在心中落地生根。Love is a see born, take root in the heart.

3 这一技术是绝对落地生根。This technology is definitely here to stay.

4 有的人呆了几年,有的人在那里落地生根,一住好多代。

Some stayed for a few years. Others set down roots and stayed for many generations.

5 我们在此落地生根。And we are here to stay.

6 基督意识能在地球上落地生根之前,需要很长一段时间。

It has taken a long time before Christ consciousness could set foot on earth.

7 从那以后每年都有篱笆外的新物种被风吹入园内落地生根。

Each year thereafter new species blow in from outside the fence and take root.

8 落地生根。 长柄山蚂蝗属新分类群和山蚂蝗属一新种名。

New taxa of the genus Podocarpium and a new name of Desmodium.

9 它在重要的历史时刻落地生根,让我们回到犹太人对上帝的看法,意味着什么。

So it's grounded in a historical moment, and we'll come back to this and what that might mean about her perception of God.

10 5所孔子学院相继在波兰落地生根,越来越多的中国高校开设波兰语教学。

Five Confucius Institutes have been established in Poland. More and more Chinese universities have started to offer Polish language programs.

11 因为有了房子就等于你在这个城市落地生根,生存的压力自然也会小上不少。

Because the house is your air plant in the city, the survival pressure naturally small lot.

12 只有认真做好这三方面的工作才能有效保证绩效管理体系在项目管理中的落地生根。

Only seriously to do these three areas that performance appraisal system could be made good results.

13 当团队把这棵树比作他们自己,比作他们选择的通往高绩效的途径时,你就知道这棵树已经落地生根了

You can tell when the tree has taken hold. It’s when the team talks about the tree as a metaphor for themselves and their chosen pathway to high performance

14 从2004年来新加坡,我就喜欢上了这个美丽发达的城市,希望在此落地生根,永远居住在这里。

Since I came to Singapore in 2004, I have taken a fancy to this beautiful developed city and hoped to take root and live on it forever.

15 在这里有一种久违了的家的感觉,请在这里安营扎寨、落地生根,我们一同成长,一起走向明天和未来。

There is a feeling of home, please pitch a camp and stay here, we will grow up together to face the bright future.

16 新移民文学在移民潮流的推动下从最初的花果飘零演变为现阶段的落地生根,新移民文学研究也相应风生水起。

New immigrants, driven by the trend in migration from the initial stage of fruiting bodies evolved to take root homeless, new immigrants literature burgeoned accordingly.

17 希伯伦。亚伯拉罕往希伯伦迁移,在这里落地生根(参13:18)。他本人、以撒和雅各都住在这里,也葬在这里。

Hebron Abra ham moved on to Hebron, where he put down his deep est roots (13:18). Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all lived and were buried here.

18 一说“无心插柳柳成荫”。春天的杨柳,总给人旺盛生命力之感。古人“折柳赠别”蕴含着“生机昂然,落地生根”的祝愿。

One says "step". In the spring of willow, giving people a sense of vitality. The ancients "broken orange" imply "on parting in life with confidence, put down roots" wishes.

19 那些选择在新加坡落地生根 的外国人,一心要融入我国 的社会却遭排挤,我们歧视他们 的心理若 继续 不 变,又何以要求他们对新加坡有归属感呢?

And for those who have decided to sink roots here but are made to feel unwanted, if we continue to be biased against them, how can we expect them to develop a sense of belonging to our island state?

20 我高兴地看到,近10万英国人正在学习中文,英格兰1/6的中小学开设了汉语课程,英国54所大学开设了中文课程,其中7所大学设有中文专业,13所孔子学院和54间孔子课堂在英落地生根。

7 of those universities offer Mandarin as a major subject. Then there are 13 Confucius Institutes and 54 Confucius Classrooms that have been opened.








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