
    时间: 浏览:848次  来源:来补习


èr huà bú shuō





英文:without demur



1 Apart from anything else

...寻外在世界的财富,而开始追寻他内心世界的真正财富说实话,我日常看到这些须要让座的人,我二话不说(Apart from anything else),做与不做的最大区别是:后者拥有对前者的评论权。一概让座(Seat),婚姻却并没有因为蹉跎的爱情按期来临.

2 without demur

... 多元不饱和脂肪酸 polyunsaturated fatty acid 二话不说 without demur 非洲甜果素 thaumatin ...


1 他二话不说,飞快地游开,试图尽快上岸。

Without another word, he swam swiftly away in an effort to reach land as soon as possible.

2   彼得立刻转过身来,二话不说就把山羊带上山了。

Peter immediately turned about and led his goats up the mountain without more ado.

3   我累了,二话不说就给我一个拥抱。

Can I tired, apart from anything else to give me a hug.


Coach a laugh, and the word, you pull me up.

5   律师二话不说,给屠夫写了张9块8的支票。

The lawyer, without a word, wrote the butcher a check for $9.80.

6   但那时那些警察就是二话不说冲进来,翻箱倒柜。

But the police just came through the gate and did this.



Without a word, the demons did exactly as the king had asked.

8  我去看一场怪诞秀,他们二话不说就让我进去了。

I went to a freak show and they let me in for nothing.

9  朱莉娅:过去他二话不说就把钱借给你了,对吧?

Julia: And he loaned you money before without problem, right?

10  突然,他二话不说地打开牢门,安静地领着我向外走。

Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out.

11 然后狼二话不说就抓住了可怜的小羊,并把她叼回森林里。

And without more words the Wolf seized the poor Lamb and carried her off to the forest.

12  他的妻子听了以后,二话不说,拿起把剪刀走到她的织布机前。

Without saying anything, his wife took a pair of scissors and went to the loom at which she had worked.

13  他们二话不说,翻山越岭180里,当天夜晚就来到了金沙江边。

They apart from anything else, over 180 mountains, the night came to the edge of the Jinsha River.

14  你最好二话不说,跟我走。我不能,埃莉诺和劳雷尔马上就要回来了。

I suggest you get up and come with me without another word. I can 't. Eleanor and laurel are gonna be back any minute.

15  后来你二话不说在医院把一个范文发到我的邮箱. 当晚是一个无眠之夜.

Then you sent an example through mail to me promptly, which totally made me sleepless that night.

16  尤其是在QQ里,别人发来文件,不要二话不说就接收,这是很危险的。

It is especially in QQ, others sends a document, do not want demur not to say to be received, this is very dangerous.

17  律师二话不说,给屠夫签了一张8.5美元的支票。屠夫心满意足地走了。

The lawyer, without a word, writes the butcher a check for $8.50. The butcher, having a feeling of satisfaction, leaves.

18  我的样子一定狼狈不堪,因为老板二话不说,立马给了我两杯免费的杜松子酒。

I must have looked bedraggled because the owner promptly gave me two free glasses of schnapps.

19  昨天到家的时候又累又烦躁,晚上本该二话不说直接睡觉的。草草收场就行了。

Last night could so easily have ended with us going to sleep not speaking after I arrived home so tired and grumpy.

20  那位乘客二话不说就一把抓起箱子,朝窗外一扔,然后就在空座位上坐了下来。

Immediately, the commuter grabbed the suitcase, hurled it through the window, and lowered himself into the vacant seat.

21  于是我二话不说,穿上了我的雨鞋,带起我的口罩,就准备开始今天的第一个工作了。

Without saying another word, I wore my rain boots on my feet and the mask on my face; I am well-prepared for my first job today.








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